📄️ Getting Started
4D provides you with a powerful REST server, that allows direct access to data stored in your 4D applications.
📄️ Server Configuration
Using standard HTTP requests, the 4D REST Server allows external applications to access the data of your application directly, i.e. to retrieve information about the dataclasses in your project, manipulate data, log into your web application, and much more.
📄️ Users and sessions
When scalable sessions are enabled (recommended), REST requests can create and use web user sessions, providing extra features such as multiple requests handling, data sharing between web client processes, and control of user privileges.
📄️ Getting Server Information
You can get several information from the REST server:
📄️ Manipulating Data
All exposed dataclasses, attributes and functions can be accessed through REST. Dataclass, attribute, and function names are case-sensitive; however, the data for queries is not.
📄️ Calling ORDA class functions
You can call data model class functions defined for the ORDA Data Model through your REST requests, so that you can benefit from the exposed API of the targeted 4D application.
📄️ About REST Requests
The following structures are supported for REST requests: