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Version: 20 R8 BETA

Form object JSON property list

You will find in this page a comprehensive list of all object properties sorted through their JSON name. Click on a property name to access its detailed description.

In the "Form Object Properties" chapter, properties are sorted according the Property List names and themes.

a - b - c - d - e - f - g - h - i - k - l - m - n - p - r - s - t - u - v - w - z

PropertyDescriptionPossible Values
actionTypical activity to be performed.The name of a valid standard action.
allowFontColorPickerAllows displaying system font picker or color picker to edit object attributestrue, false (default)
alternateFillAllows setting a different background color for odd-numbered rows/columns in a list box.Any CSS value; "transparent"; "automatic"; "automaticAlternate"
automaticInsertionEnables automatically adding a value to a list when a user enters a value that is not in the object's associated choice list.true, false
booleanFormatSpecifies only two possible values.true, false
borderRadiusThe radius value for round rectangles.minimum: 0
borderStyleAllows setting a standard style for the object border."system", "none", "solid", "dotted", "raised", "sunken", "double"
bottomPositions an object at the bottom (centered).minimum: 0
choiceListA list of choices associated with an objectA list of choices
classA list of space-separated words used as class selectors in css files.A list of class names
columnCountNumber of columns.minimum: 1
columnsA collection of list box columnsCollection of column objects with defined column properties
contextMenuProvides the user access to a standard context menu in the selected area."automatic", "none"
continuousExecutionDesignates whether or not to run the method of an object while the user is tracking the control.true, false
controlTypeSpecifies how the value should be rendered in a list box cell."input", "checkbox" (for boolean / numeric columns), "automatic", "popup" (only for boolean columns)
currentItemSourceThe last selected item in a list box.Object expression
currentItemPositionSourceThe position of the last selected item in a list box.Number expression
customBackgroundPictureSets the picture that will be drawn in the background of a button.Relative path in POSIX syntax. Must be used in conjunction with the style property with the "custom" option.
customBorderXSets the size (in pixels) of the internal horizontal margins of an object. Must be used with the style property with the "custom" option.minimum: 0
customBorderYSets the size (in pixels) of the internal vertical margins of an object. Must be used with the style property with the "custom" option.minimum: 0
customOffsetSets a custom offset value in pixels. Must be used with the style property with the "custom" option.minimum: 0
customPropertiesAdvanced properties (if any)JSON string or base64 encoded string
dataSource (objects)
dataSource (subforms)
dataSource (array list box)
dataSource (Collection or entity selection list box)
dataSource (list box column)
dataSource (hierarchical list box)
Specifies the source of the data.A 4D variable, field name, or an arbitrary complex language expression.
dataSourceTypeHint (objects)
dataSourceTypeHint (list box column, drop-down list)
Indicates the variable type."integer", "boolean", "number", "picture", "text", date", "time", "arrayText", "arrayDate", "arrayTime", "arrayNumber", "collection", "object", "undefined"
dateFormatControls the way dates appear when displayed or printed.Built-in formats ("systemShort", "systemMedium", "systemLong", "iso8601", "rfc822", "short", "shortCentury", "abbreviated", "long", "blankIfNull") or customized formats
defaultButtonModifies a button's appearance in order to indicate the recommended choice to the user.true, false
defaultValueDefines a value or a stamp to be entered by default in an input objectString or "#D", "#H", "#N"
deletableInListSpecifies if the user can delete subrecords in a list subformtrue, false
detailForm (list box)
detailForm (subform)
Associates a detail form with a list subform.Name (string) of table or project form, a POSIX path (string) to a .json file describing the form, or an object describing the form
displayThe object is drawn or not on the form.true, false
doubleClickInEmptyAreaActionAction to perform in case of a double-click on an empty line of a list subform."addSubrecord" or "" to do nothing
doubleClickInRowAction (list box)
doubleClickInRowAction (subform)
Action to perform in case of a double-click on a record."editSubrecord", "displaySubrecord"
dpiScreen resolution for the 4D Write Pro area contents.0=automatic, 72, 96
draggingEnables dragging function."none", "custom", "automatic" (excluding list, list box)
droppingEnables dropping function."none", "custom", "automatic" (excluding list, list box)
enterableIndicates whether users can enter values into the object.true, false
enterableInListIndicates whether users can modify record data directly in the list subform.true, false
entryFilterAssociates an entry filter with the object or column cells. This property is not accessible if the Enterable property is not enabled.Text to narrow entries
eventsList of all events selected for the object or formCollection of event names, e.g. ["onClick","onDataChange"...].
excludedListAllows setting a list whose values cannot be entered in the column.A list of values to be excluded.
fillDefines the background color of an object.Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic"
focusableIndicates whether the object can have the focus (and can thus be activated by the keyboard for instance)true, false
fontFamilySpecifies the name of font family used in the object.CSS font family name
fontSizeSets the font size in points when no font theme is selectedminimum: 0
fontStyleSets the selected text to slant slightly to the right."normal", "italic"
fontThemeSets the automatic style"normal", "main", "additional"
fontWeightSets the selected text to appear darker and heavier."normal", "bold"
footerHeightUsed to set the row heightpositive decimal + px | em
frameDelayEnables cycling through the contents of the picture button at the specified speed (in ticks).minimum: 0
graduationStepScale display measurement.minimum: 0
headerDefines the header of a list box columnObject with properties "text", "name", "icon", "dataSource", "fontWeight", "fontStyle", "tooltip"
headerHeightUsed to set the row heightpositive decimal + px | em
heightDesignates an object's vertical sizeminimum: 0
hideExtraBlankRowsDeactivates the visibility of extra, empty rows.true, false
hideFocusRingHides the selection rectangle when the object has the focus.true, false
hideSystemHighlightUsed to specify hiding highlighted records in the list box.true, false
highlightSetName of the set.string
horizontalLineStrokeDefines the color of the horizontal lines in a list box (gray by default).Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic"
iconThe pathname of the picture used for buttons, check boxes, radio buttons, list box headers.Relative or filesystem path in POSIX syntax.
iconFramesSets the exact number of states present in the picture.minimum: 1
iconPlacementDesignates the placement of an icon in relation to the form object."none", "left", "right"
imageHugsTitleDefines whether the title and the picture of the button should be visually adjoined.true (default), false
keyboardDialectTo associate a specific keyboard layout to an input.A keyboard code string, e.g. "ar-ma"
labelsA list of values to be used as tab control labelsex: "a", "b, "c", ...
labelsPlacement (objects)
labelsPlacement (tab control)
Specifies the location of an object's displayed text."none", "top", "bottom", "left", "right"
layoutModeMode for displaying the 4D Write Pro document in the form area."page", "draft", "embedded"
leftPositions an object on the left.minimum: 0
list, see choiceListA list of choices associated with a hierarchical listA list of choices
listboxTypeThe list box data source."array", "currentSelection", "namedSelection", "collection"
listFormList form to use in the subform.Name (string) of table or project form, a POSIX path (string) to a .json file describing the form, or an object describing the form
lockedColumnCountNumber of columns that must stay permanently displayed in the left part of a list box.minimum: 0
loopBackToFirstFramePictures are displayed in a continuous loop.true, false
maxThe maximum allowed value. For numeric steppers, these properties represent seconds when the object is associated with a time type value and are ignored when it is associated with a date type value.minimum: 0 (for numeric data types)
maxWidthDesignates the largest size allowed for list box columns.minimum: 0
metaSourceA meta object containing style and selection settings.An object expression
methodA project method name.The name of an existing project method
methodsAccessibilityWhich 4D methods can be called from a Web area"none" (default), "all"
minThe minimum allowed value. For numeric steppers, these properties represent seconds when the object is associated with a time type value and are ignored when it is associated with a date type value.minimum: 0 (for numeric data types)
minWidthDesignates the smallest size allowed for list box columns.minimum: 0
movableRowsAuthorizes the movement of rows during execution.true, false
multilineHandles multiline contents."yes", "no", "automatic"
nameThe name of the form object. (Optional for the form)Any name which does not belong to an already existing object
numberFormatControls the way the alphanumeric fields and variables appear when displayed or printed.Numbers (including a decimal point or minus sign if necessary)
pictureThe pathname of the picture for picture buttons, picture pop-up menus, or static picturesRelative or filesystem path in POSIX syntax, or "var:<variableName>" for picture variable.
pictureFormat (input, list box column or footer)
pictureFormat (static picture)
Controls how pictures appear when displayed or printed."truncatedTopLeft", "scaled", "truncatedCenter", "tiled", "proportionalTopLeft" (excluding static pictures), "proportionalCenter"(excluding static pictures)
placeholderGrays out text when the data source value is empty.Text to be grayed out.
pluginAreaKindDescribes the type of plug-in.The type of plug-in.
popupPlacementAllows displaying a symbol that appears as a triangle in the button, which indicates that there is a pop-up menu attached."None", Linked", "Separated"
printFramePrint mode for objects whose size can vary from one record to another depending on their contents"fixed", "variable", (subform only) "fixedMultiple"
progressSourceA value between 0 and 100, representing the page load completion percentage in the Web area. Automatically updated by 4D, cannot be modified manually.minimum: 0
radioGroupEnables radio buttons to be used in coordinated sets: only one button at a time can be selected in the set.Radio group name
requiredListAllows setting a list where only certain values can be inserted.A list of mandatory values.
resizableDesignates if the size of an object can be modified by the user."true", "false"
resizingModeSpecifies if a list box column should be automatically resized"rightToLeft", "legacy"
rightPositions an object on the right.minimum: 0
rowControlSourceA 4D array defining the list box rows.Array
rowCountSets the number of rows.minimum: 1
rowFillSource (array list box)
rowFillSource (selection or collection list box)
The name of an array or expression to apply a custom background color to each row of a list box.The name of an array or expression.
rowHeightSets the height of list box rows.CSS value unit "em" or "px" (default).
rowHeightAutoboolean"true", "false"
rowHeightAutoMaxDesignates the largest height allowed for list box rows.CSS value unit "em" or "px" (default). minimum: 0
rowHeightAutoMinDesignates the smallest height allowed for list box rows.CSS value unit "em" or "px" (default). minimum: 0
rowHeightSourceAn array defining different heights for the rows in a list box.Name of a 4D array variable.
rowStrokeSource (array list box)
rowStrokeSource (selection or collection/entity selection list box)
An array or expression for managing row colors.Name of array or expression.
rowStyleSource (array list box)
rowStyleSource (selection or collection/entity selection list box)
An array or expression for managing row styles.Name of array or expression.
saveAs (list box column)
saveAs (drop-down list)
The type of contents to save in the field or variable associated to the form object"value", "reference"
scrollbarHorizontalA tool allowing the user to move the viewing area to the left or right."visible", "hidden", "automatic"
scrollbarVerticalA tool allowing the user to move the viewing area up or down."visible", "hidden", "automatic"
selectedItemsSourceCollection of the selected items in a list box.Collection expression
selectionMode (hierarchical list)
selectionMode (list box)
selectionMode (subform)
Allows the selection of multiple records/rows."multiple", "single", "none"
shortcutAccelDesignates the accelerator key (Ctrl Windows/Command macOS).true, false
shortcutAltDesignates the Alt keytrue, false
shortcutCommandDesignates the Command key (macOS)true, false
shortcutControlDesignates the Control key (Windows)true, false
shortcutKeyThe letter or name of a special meaning key."a", "b",... or "[F1]" -> "[F15]", "[Return]", "[Enter]", "[Backspace]", "[Tab]", "[Esc]", "[Del]", "[Home]", "[End]", "[Help]", "[Page up]", "[Page down]", "[left arrow]", "[right arrow]", "[up arrow]", "[down arrow]"
shortcutShiftDesignates the Shift keytrue, false
showFootersDisplays or hides column footers.true, false
showGraduationsDisplays/Hides the graduations next to the labels.true, false
showHeadersDisplays or hides column headers.true, false
showHiddenCharsDisplays/hides invisible characters.true, false
showHorizontalRulerDisplays/hides the horizontal ruler when the document view is in Page view modetrue, false
showHTMLWysiwygEnables/disables the HTML WYSIWYG viewtrue, false
showPageFramesDisplays/hides the page frame when the document view is in Page view modetrue, false
showReferencesDisplays all 4D expressions inserted in the 4D Write Pro document as referencestrue, false
showSelectionKeeps the selection visible within the object after it has lost the focustrue, false
showVerticalRulerDisplays/hides the vertical ruler when the document view is in Page view modetrue, false
singleClickEditEnables direct passage to edit mode.true, false
sizingXSpecifies if the horizontal size of an object should be moved or resized when a user resizes the form."grow", "move", "fixed"
sizingYSpecifies if the vertical size of an object should be moved or resized when a user resizes the form."grow", "move", "fixed"
sortableAllows sorting column data by clicking the header.true, false
spellcheckActivates the spell-check for the objecttrue, false
splitterModeWhen a splitter object has this property, other objects to its right (vertical splitter) or below it (horizontal splitter) are pushed at the same time as the splitter, with no stop."grow", "move", "fixed"
startPointStarting point for drawing a line object (only available in JSON Grammar)."bottomLeft", topLeft"
staticColumnCountNumber of columns that cannot be moved during execution.minimum: 0
stepMinimum interval accepted between values during use. For numeric steppers, this property represents seconds when the object is associated with a time type value and days when it is associated with a date type value.minimum: 1
storeDefaultStyleStore the style tags with the text, even if no modification has been madetrue, false
stroke (text)
stroke (lines)
stroke (list box)
Specifies the color of the font or line used in the object.Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic"
strokeDashArrayDescribes dotted line type as a sequence of black and white pointsNumber array or string
strokeWidthDesignates the thickness of a line.An integer or 0 for smallest width on a printed form
styleAllows setting the general appearance of the button. See Button Style for more information."regular", "flat", "toolbar", "bevel", "roundedBevel", "gradientBevel", "texturedBevel", "office", "help", "circular", "disclosure", "roundedDisclosure", "custom"
styledTextEnables the possibility of using specific styles in the selected area.true, false
switchBackWhenReleasedDisplays the first picture all the time except when the user clicks the button. Displays the second picture until the mouse button is released.true, false
switchContinuouslyAllows the user to hold down the mouse button to display the pictures continuously (i.e., as an animation).true, false
switchWhenRolloverModifies the contents of the picture button when the mouse cursor passes over it. The initial picture is displayed when the cursor leaves the button’s area.true, false
tableTable that the list subform belongs to (if any).4D table name, or ""
textThe title of the form objectAny text
textAlignHorizontal location of text within the area that contains it."automatic", "right", "center", "justify", "left"
textAngleModifies the orientation (rotation) of the text area.0, 90, 180, 270
textDecorationSets the selected text to have a line running beneath it."normal", "underline"
textFormatControls the way the alphanumeric fields and variables appear when displayed or printed."### ####", "(###) ### ####", "### ### ####", "### ## ####", "00000", custom formats
textPlacementRelative location of the button title in relation to the associated icon."left", "top", "right", "bottom", "center"
threeStateAllows a check box object to accept a third state.true, false
timeFormatControls the way times appear when displayed or printed.Built-in formats ("systemShort", "systemMedium", "systemLong", "iso8601", "hh_mm_ss", "hh_mm", "hh_mm_am", "mm_ss", "HH_MM_SS", "HH_MM", "MM_SS", "blankIfNull") or customized formats
truncateModeControls the display of values when list box columns are too narrow to show their full contents."withEllipsis", "none"
typeMandatory. Designates the data type of the form object."text", "rectangle", "groupBox", "tab", "line", "button", "checkbox", "radio", "dropdown", "combo", "webArea", "write", "subform", "plugin", "splitter", "buttonGrid", "progress", "ruler", "spinner", "stepper", "list", "pictureButton", "picturePopup", "listbox", "input", "view"
tooltipProvide users with additional information about a field.Additional information to help a user
topPositions an object at the top (centered).minimum: 0
urlSourceDesignates the the URL loaded or being loading by the associated Web area.A URL.
useLastFrameAsDisabledEnables setting the last thumbnail as the one to display when the button is disabled.true, false
userInterface4D View Pro area interface."none" (default), "ribbon", "toolbar"
valuesList of default values for an array listbox columnex: "A","B","42"...
variableCalculationAllows mathematical calculations to be performed."none", "minimum", "maximum", "sum", "count", "average", "standardDeviation", "variance", "sumSquare"
verticalAlignVertical location of text within the area that contains it."automatic", "top", "middle", "bottom"
verticalLineStrokeDefines the color of the vertical lines in a list box (gray by default).Any CSS value, "transparent", "automatic"
visibilityAllows hiding the object in the Application environment."visible", "hidden", "selectedRows", "unselectedRows"
webEngineUsed to choose between two rendering engines for the Web area, depending on the specifics of the application."embedded", "system"
widthDesignates an object's horizontal sizeminimum: 0
withFormulaBarManages the display of a formula bar with the Toolbar interface in the 4D View Pro area.true, false
wordwrapManages the display of contents when it exceeds the width of the object."automatic" (excluding list box), "normal", "none"
zoomZoom percentage for displaying 4D Write Pro areanumber (minimum=0)