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Version: 20 R6


Calculate on specific attributes (e.g., Employee/salary/?$compute=sum) or in the case of an Object attribute (e.g., Employee/objectAtt.property1/?$compute=sum)


This parameter allows you to do calculations on your data.

If you want to perform a calculation on an attribute, you write the following:

GET /rest/Employee/salary/?$compute=$all

If you want to pass an Object attribute, you must pass one of its property. For example:

GET /rest/Employee/objectAtt.property1/?$compute=$all

You can use any of the following keywords:

$allA JSON object that defines all the functions for the attribute (average, count, min, max, and sum for attributes of type Number and count, min, and max for attributes of type String
averageGet the average on a numerical attribute
countGet the total number in the collection or dataclass (in both cases you must specify an attribute)
minGet the minimum value on a numerical attribute or the lowest value in an attribute of type String
maxGet the maximum value on a numerical attribute or the highest value in an attribute of type String
sumGet the sum on a numerical attribute


If you want to get all the computations for an attribute of type Number, you can write:

GET /rest/Employee/salary/?$compute=$all


"salary": {
"count": 4,
"sum": 335000,
"average": 83750,
"min": 70000,
"max": 99000

If you want to get all the computations for an attribute of type String, you can write:

GET /rest/Employee/firstName/?$compute=$all


"salary": {
"count": 4,
"min": Anne,
"max": Victor

If you want to just get one calculation on an attribute, you can write the following:

GET /rest/Employee/salary/?$compute=sum



If you want to perform a calculation on an Object attribute, you can write the following:

GET /rest/Employee/objectAttribute.property1/?$compute=sum
