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Version: 20 R6

Configuring 4D View Pro Areas

The 4D View Pro area properties can be configured using the Property list. Spreadsheet properties are available through the language.

Form area properties

Using the area's property list, you can set 4D View Pro object properties such as Object Name, Variable or Expression, Appearance, Action, and Events.

Selecting a user interface

You can select the interface to use with your 4D View Pro form areas in the Property List, under Appearance:

You can also use the userInterface and withFormulaBar(only with the "toolbar" interface) JSON properties.

Interfaces allow for basic modifications and data manipulation. User-defined modifications are saved in the 4D View Pro object when the user saves the document.



Enabling the Toolbar interface displays the Show Formula Bar option. When selected, the formula bar is visible below the Toolbar interface.

With visible formula bar:


Both the Ribbon and the Toolbar interfaces group related features into tabs:

TabActionsRibbon InterfaceToolbar Interface
FileFile manipulationX
HomeText appearanceXX
InsertAdd itemsXX
FormulasFormula calculation and libraryXX
DataData manipulationXX
ViewVisual presentationXX
SettingsSheet presentation referenceX

Form Events

The following form events are available in the Property List for 4D View Pro areas.

Some of the events are standard form events (available to all active objects) and some are specific 4D View Pro form events. Some standard form events provide extended information in the object returned by the FORM Event command when they are generated for 4D View Pro areas. The following table shows which events are standard and which are specific or provide additional information to 4D View Pro areas:

Standard 4D eventsSpecific and extended 4D View Pro events
On LoadOn VP Ready
On Getting FocusOn Clicked
On Losing FocusOn Double Clicked
On UnloadOn Header Click
On After Edit
On Selection Change
On Column Resize
On Row Resize
On VP Range Changed

Sheet Options

The 4D View Pro sheet options object allows you to control various options of your 4D View Pro areas. This object is handled by the following commands:

Sheet appearance

allowCellOverflowbooleanSpecifies whether data can overflow into adjacent empty cells.
sheetTabColorstringA color string used to represent the sheet tab color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.
frozenlineColorstringA color string used to represent the frozen line color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.
clipBoardOptionslongintThe clipboard option. Available values: vk clipboard paste options all, vk clipboard paste options formatting, vk clipboard paste options formulas, vk clipboard paste options formulas and formatting, vk clipboard paste options values, vk clipboard paste options values and formatting
gridlineobjectThe grid line's options.
colorstringA color string used to represent the grid line color, such as "red", "#FFFF00", "rgb(255,0,0)", "Accent 5", and so on.
showVerticalGridlinebooleanSpecifies whether to show the vertical grid line.
showHorizontalGridlinebooleanSpecifies whether to show the horizontal grid line.
rowHeaderVisiblebooleanSpecifies whether the row header is visible.
colHeaderVisiblebooleanSpecifies whether the column header is visible.
rowHeaderAutoTextlongintSpecifies whether the row header displays letters or numbers or is blank. Available values: vk header auto text blank, vk header auto text letters, vk header auto text numbers
colHeaderAutoTextlongintSpecifies whether the column header displays letters or numbers or is blank. Available values: vk header auto text blank, vk header auto text letters, vk header auto text numbers
selectionBackColorstringThe selection's background color for the sheet. (preferred RGBA format)
selectionBorderColorstringThe selection's border color for the sheet.
sheetAreaOffsetobjectThe sheetAreaOffset's options.
leftlongintThe offset left of sheet from host.
toplongintThe offset top of sheet from host.

All properties are optional.

Sheet protection

To lock the whole sheet, you only need to set the isProtected property to true. You can then unlock cells individually by setting the locked cell style property.

isProtectedbooleanSpecifies whether cells on this sheet that are marked as protected cannot be edited.
protectionOptionsobjectA value that indicates the elements that you want users to be able to change. If null : the protectionOptions parameter is reset.
allowSelectLockedCellsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can select locked cells, optional. True by default.
allowSelectUnlockedCellsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can select unlocked cells, optional. True by default.
allowSortbooleanSpecifies whether the user can sort ranges, optional. False by default.
allowFilterbooleanSpecifies whether the user can filter ranges, optional. False by default.
allowEditObjectsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can edit floating objects, optional. False by default.
allowResizeRowsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can resize rows, optional. False by default.
allowResizeColumnsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can resize columns, optional. False by default.
allowDragInsertRowsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can perform the drag operation to insert rows, optional. False by default.
allowDragInsertColumnsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can perform the drag operation to insert columns, optional. False by default.
allowInsertRowsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can insert rows, optional. False by default.
allowInsertColumnsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can insert columns, optional. False by default.
allowDeleteRowsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can delete rows, optional. False by default.
allowDeleteColumnsbooleanSpecifies whether the user can delete columns, optional. False by default.

All properties are optional.

Cell Format

Defining a format pattern ensures that the content of your 4D View Pro documents is displayed the way you intended. Formats can be set using the selected 4D View Pro interface, or using the VP SET VALUE or VP SET NUM VALUE commands.

4D View Pro has built-in formats for numbers, dates, times, and text, but you can also create your own patterns to format the contents of cells using special characters and codes.

For example, when using the VP SET VALUE or VP SET NUM VALUE commands to enter amounts in an invoice, you may want the currency symbols ($, €, ¥, etc.) to be aligned regardless of the space required by the number (i.e., whether the amount is $5.00 or $5,000.00). You could use formatting characters and spectify the pattern ($* #,##0.00) which would display amounts as shown:

Note that when creating your own format patterns, only the display of the data is modified. The value of the data remains unchanged.

Number and text formats

Number formats apply to all number types (e.g., positive, negative, and zeros).

0Placeholder that displays zeros.#.00 will display 1.1 as 1.10
.Displays a decimal point0.00 will display 1999 as 1999.00
,Displays the thousands separator in a number. Thousands are separated by commas if the format contains a comma enclosed by number signs "#" or by zeros. A comma following a digit placeholder scales the number by 1,000.#,0 will display 12200000 as 12,200,000
_Skips the width of the next character.Usually used in combination with parentheses to add left and right indents, _( and _) respectively.
@Formatter for text. Applies the format to all text in the cell"[Red]@" applies the red font color for text values.
*Repeats the next character to fill the column width.0*- will include enough dashes after a number to fill the cell, whereas *0 before any format will include leading zeros.
" "Displays the text within the quotes without interpreting it."8%" will display as: 8%
%Displays numbers as a percentage of 100.8% will be displayed as .08
#Digit placeholder that does not display extra zeros. If a number has more digits to the right of the decimal than there are placeholders, the number is rounded up.#.# will display 1.54 as 1.5
?Digit placeholder that leaves space for extra zeros, but does not display them. Typically used to align numbers by decimal point.$?? displays a maximum of 2 decimals and causes dollar signs to line up for varying amounts.
\Displays the character following it.#.00? will display 123 as 123.00?
/When used with numbers, displays them as fractions. When used with text, date or time codes, displayed "as-is".#/# will display .75 as 3/4
[ ]Creates conditional formats.[>100][GREEN]#,##0;[<=-100][YELLOW]#,##0;[BLUE]#,##0
EScientific notation format.#E+# - will display 1,500,500 as 2E+6
[color]Formats the text or number in the color specified[Green]###.##[Red]-###.###


//Set the cell value as $125,571.35
VP SET VALUE(VP Cell("ViewProArea";3;2);New object("value";125571.35;"format";"_($* #,##0.00_)")

Date and time formats

4D View Pro provides the following constants for ISO 8601 date and time patterns:

vk pattern full date time"fullDateTimePattern"ISO 8601 format for the full date and time in current localization.USA default pattern: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy HH:mm:ss"
vk pattern long date"longDatePattern"ISO 8601 format for the full date in current localization.USA default pattern: "dddd, dd MMMM yyyy"
vk pattern long time"longTimePattern"ISO 8601 format for the time in current localization.USA default pattern: "HH:mm:ss"
vk pattern month day"monthDayPattern"ISO 8601 format for the month and day in current localization.USA default pattern: "MMMM dd"
vk pattern short date"shortDatePattern"Abbreviated ISO 8601 format for the date in current localization.USA default pattern: "MM/dd/yyyy"
vk pattern short time"shortTimePattern"Abbreviated ISO 8601 format for the time in current localization.USA default pattern: "HH:mm"
vk pattern sortable date time"sortableDateTimePattern"ISO 8601 format for the date and time in current localization which can be sorted.USA default pattern: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss"
vk pattern universal sortable date time"universalSortableDateTimePattern"ISO 8601 format for the date and time in current localization using UTC which can be sorted.USA default pattern: "yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'Z'"
vk pattern year month"yearMonthPattern"ISO 8601 format for the month and year in current localization.USA default pattern: "yyyy MMMM"


//Set the cell value as specific date and time
VP SET VALUE(VP Cell("ViewProArea";3;9);New object("value";!2024-12-18!);"time";?14:30:10?;"format";vk pattern full date time))

Custom date and time formats

To create your own date and time patterns, in your current localization, you can use combinations of the following codes:

(not case-sensitive)
Date(January 1, 2019)
mMonth number without leading zero1
mmMonth number with leading zero01
mmmMonth name, shortJan
mmmmMonth name, longJanuary
dDay number without leading zero1
ddDay number with leading zero01
dddDay of week, shortTue
ddddDay of week, longTuesday
yyYear, short19
yyyyYear, long2019
Time(2:03:05 PM)
hHour without leading zero. 0-232
hhHour with leading zero. 00-2302
mMinutes without leading zero. 0-593
mmMinutes with leading zero. 00-5903
sSeconds without leading zero. 0-595
ssSeconds with leading zero. 00-5905
[h]Elapsed time in hours14 (can exceed 24)
[mm]Elapsed time in minutes843
[ss]Elapsed time in seconds50585
AM/PMPeriods of day. 24 hour fomat used if omitted.PM

The code 'm' is interpreted depending on its position in the pattern. If it's immediately after 'h' or 'hh' or immediately before 's' or 'ss', it will be interpreted as minutes, otherwise it will be interpreted as months.

Additional symbols

In addition to the special characters and codes described in the previous sections, there are additional characters and symbols that can be used in your format patterns. These additional characters and symbols do not require a \ or "" and do not impact the interpretation of the format pattern. They appear "as-is" within the pattern.

+ and -Plus and minus signs### + ### = ###,###
( )Left and right parenthesis(-###.##)
{ }Curly brackets{###,###,###}
< >Less-than and greater than signs## >##
=Equal sign#+#=##
/Forward slash. When used with numbers, displays them as
!Exclamation point$###.00!
&Ampersand"Hello" & "Welcome"
Space character
£British Pound£###.00
¥Japanese Yen¥###.00
$Dollar sign$###.00
¢Cent sign.00¢

4D View Pro print attributes allow you to control all aspects of printing 4D View Pro areas. These attributes are handled by the following commands:

Columns / Rows

Column and row attributes are used to specify the beginning, end, and repetition of columns and rows.

columnEndlongintThe last column to print in a cell range. Default value = -1 (all columns)
columnStartlongintThe first column to print in a cell range. Default value = -1 (all columns)
repeatColumnEndlongintThe last column of a range of columns to print on the left of each page. Default value = -1 (all columns)
repeatColumnStartlongintThe first column of a range of columns to print on the left of each page. Default value = -1 (all columns)
repeatRowEndlongintThe last row of a range of rows to print on the top of each page. Default value = -1 (all rows)
repeatRowStartlongintThe first row of a range of rows to print at the top of each page. Default value = -1 (all rows)
rowEndlongintThe last row to print in a cell range. Default value = -1 (all rows)
rowStartlongintThe first row to print in a cell range. Default value = -1 (all rows)

Headers / Footers

Header and footer attributes are used to specify text or images in the left, right, and center header/footer sections.

footerCentertextThe text and format of the center footer on printed pages.
footerCenterImagepicture | text*The image for the center section of the footer.
footerLefttextThe text and format of the left footer on printed pages.
footerLeftImagepicture | text*The image for the left section of the footer.
footerRighttextThe text and format of the right footer on printed pages.
footerRightImagepicture | text*The image for the right section of the footer.
headerCentertextThe text and format of the center header on printed pages.
headerCenterImagepicture | text*The image for the center section of the header.
headerLefttextThe text and format of the left header on printed pages.
headerLeftImagepicture | text*The image for the left section of the header.
headerRighttextThe text and format of the right header on printed pages.
headerRightImagepicture | text*The image for the right section of the header.

* If using text type, pass the filepath (absolute or relative) of the image. If you pass a relative path, the file should be located next to the database structure file. In Windows, the file extension must be indicated. No matter the type used to set an image, the image itself (not a reference) is stored in the 4D View Pro area and is returned by VP Get print info.

Special Characters

The following special characters allow the automatic addition or formatting of information in the header and footer when the 4D View Pro area is printed.

&Escape character(see examples below)
PCurrent pageprintInfo.headerLeft:="This is page &P."This is page 5.
NPage countprintInfo.headerLeft:="There are &N pages."There are 10 pages.
DCurrent date (yyyy/mm/dd format)printInfo.headerLeft:="It is &D."It is 2015/6/19.
TCurrent timeprintInfo.headerLeft:="It is &T."It is 16:30:36.
SStrikethroughprintInfo.headerLeft:="&SThis is text."This is text.
UUnderlineprintInfo.headerLeft:="&UThis is text."This is text. (Underlined)
BBoldprintInfo.headerLeft:="&BThis is text."This is text.
IItalicprintInfo.headerLeft:="&IThis is text."This is text.
"Font prefixprintInfo.headerLeft:="&"Lucida Console"&14This is text."
KText Color prefixprintInfo.headerLeft:="&KFF0000This is text."This is text (in red).
FWorkbook nameprintInfo.headerLeft:="&F"2019 Monthly Revenue Forecasts
ASpreadsheet nameprintInfo.headerLeft:="&A"June 2019 revenue forecast


Margin attributes are used to specify the 4D View Pro area margins for printing. Expressed in hundreds of an inch.

marginobjectThe print margins
toplongintTop margin, in hundredths of an inch. Default value = 75
bottomlongintBottom margin, in hundredths of an inch. Default value = 75
leftlongintLeft margin, in hundredths of an inch. Default value = 70
rightlongintRight margin, in hundredths of an inch. Default value = 70
headerlongintHeader offset, in hundredths of an inch. Default value = 30
footerlongintFooter offset, in hundredths of an inch. Default value = 30


Orientation attributes are used to specify the direction the printed page layout.

This attribute defines rendering information only.

orientationlongintPage orientation. Available values: vk print page orientation landscape, vk print page orientation portrait (default)


Page attributes are used to specify general document print settings.

blackAndWhitebooleanPrinting in black and white only.

Default value = false

Note: PDFs are not affected by this attribute. Colors in PDFs remain.

centeringlongintHow the contents are centered on the printed page. Available values: vk print centering both, vk print centering horizontal, vk print centering none (default), vk print centering vertical
firstPageNumberlongintThe page number to print on the first page.Default value = 1
pageOrderlongintThe order pages are printed. Available values: vk print page order auto (default), vk print page order down then over, vk print page order over then down.
pageRangetextThe range of pages for printing
qualityFactorlongintThe quality factor for printing (1 - 8). The higher the quality factor, the better the printing quality, however printing performance may be affected.

Default value = 2

useMaxbooleanOnly columns and rows with data are printed.

Default value = true

zoomFactorrealThe amount to enlarge or reduce the printed page.

Default value = 1

Paper Size

Paper size attributes are used to specify the dimensions or model of paper to use for printing. There are two ways to define paper size:

  • Custom size - height and width attributes
  • Standard size - kind attribute
paperSizeobjectPaper dimensions (height, width) or specific format (kind) for printing.
heightlongintHeight of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
widthlongintWidth of the paper, in hundredths of an inch.
kindtextName of standard paper size (e.g., A2, A4, legal, etc.) returned by Get Print Option. Default value = "letter"
  • If the paper size is specified using the height and width properties, VP Get print info returns a paper size with custom as value for kind.

  • If you set the paper size using the kind property, you can use either:


Scale attributes are used to specify printing optimization and adjustments.

bestFitColumnsbooleanColumn width is adjusted to fit the largest text width for printing. Default value = "false"
bestFitRowsbooleanRow height is adjusted to fit the tallest text height for printing. Default value = "false"
fitPagesTalllongintThe number of vertical pages (portrait orientation) to check when optimizing printing. Default value = -1
fitPagesWidelongintThe number of horizontal pages (landscape orientation) to check when optimizing printing. Default value = -1

Show / Hide

Show / Hide attributes are used to specify the visibility (printing) of 4D View Pro area elements.

showBorderbooleanPrints the outline border.Default value = "true"
showColumnHeaderlongintColumn header print settings. Available values: vk print visibility hide, vk print visibility inherit (default), vk print visibility show, vk print visibility show once
showGridLinebooleanPrints the gridlines. Default value = "false"
showRowHeaderlongintRow headers print settings. Available values: vk print visibility hide, vk print visibility inherit (default), vk print visibility show, vk print visibility show once


Watermark attributes are used to superimpose text or an image onto the 4D View Pro area.

watermarkcollectionCollection of watermark settings. Default value: undefined
[ ].heightlongintThe height of the watermark text / image.
[ ].imageSrcpicture | text*The watermark text / image.
[ ].pagetextThe page(s) where the watermark is printed. For all pages: "all". For specific pages: page numbers or page ranges separated by commas. Ex.: "1,3,5-12"
[ ].widthlongintThe width of the watermark text / image.
[ ].xlongintThe horizontal coordinate of the top left point of the watermark text / image.
[ ].ylongintThe vertical coordinate of the top left point of the watermark text / image.

* If using text type, pass the filepath (absolute or relative) of the image. If you pass a relative path, the file should be located next to the database structure file. In Windows, the file extension must be indicated. No matter the type used to set an image, the image itself (not a reference) is stored in the 4D View Pro area and is returned by VP Get print info.

Style Objects

4D View Pro style objects and style sheets allow you to control the graphical aspects and the look of your 4D View Pro documents.

Style objects & Style sheets

Style objects contain the style settings. They can be used either in a style sheet or on their own. Style objects can also be used in addition to a style sheet so that different settings can be specified for individual cell ranges without affecting the rest of the document. You can use style objects directly with the VP SET CELL STYLE and VP SET DEFAULT STYLE commands. You can also use style objects when defining custom table themes using the VP SET TABLE THEME or VP CREATE TABLE commands.

A style sheet groups together a combination of properties in a style object to specify the look of all of the cells in your 4D View Pro documents. Style sheets saved with the document can be used to set the properties for a single sheet, multiple sheets, or an entire workbook. When created, a 4D View Pro style sheet is given a name which is saved within the style sheet in the "name" property. This allows a style sheet to be easily used and, if thoughtfully selected, can facilitate its identification and purpose (e.g., Letterhead_internal, Letterhead_external).

Style sheets are created with the VP ADD STYLESHEET command and applied with the the VP SET DEFAULT STYLE or VP SET CELL STYLE commands. You can remove a style sheet with the VP REMOVE STYLESHEET command.

The VP Get stylesheet command can be used to return the style object of a single style sheet or you can use the VP Get stylesheets command to retrieve a collection of style objects for multiple style sheets.

Style object properties


 $style:=New object
$style.hAlign:=vk horizontal align left
$style.font:="12pt papyrus"
$style.backColor:="#E6E6FA" //light purple color

VP SET DEFAULT STYLE("myDoc";$style)

Background & Foreground

PropertyTypeDescriptionPossible values
backColortextDefines the color of the background.CSS color "#rrggbb" syntax (preferred syntax), CSS color "rgb(r,g,b)" syntax (alternate syntax), CSS color name (alternate syntax)
backgroundImagepicture, textSpecifies a background image.Can be specified directly or via the image path (full path or file name only). If the file name only is used, the file must be located next to the database structure file. No matter how set (picture or text), a picture is saved with the document. This could impact the size of a document if the image is large. Note for Windows: File extension must be included.
backgroundImageLayoutlongintDefines the layout for the background image.vk image layout center, vk image layout none, vk image layout stretch, vk image layout zoom
foreColortextDefines the color of the foreground.CSS color "#rrggbb" syntax (preferred syntax), CSS color "rgb(r,g,b)" syntax (alternate syntax), CSS color name (alternate syntax)


PropertyTypeDescriptionPossible values
borderBottom, borderLeft, borderRight, borderTop, diagonalDown, diagonalUpobjectDefines the corresponding border line
colortextDefines the color of the border. Default = black.CSS color "#rrggbb" syntax (preferred syntax), CSS color "rgb(r,g,b)" syntax (alternate syntax), CSS color name (alternate syntax)
stylelongintDefines the style of the border. Default = empty. Cannot be null or undefined.vk line style dash dot, vk line style dash dot dot, vk line style dashed, vk line style dotted, vk line style double, vk line style empty, vk line style hair, vk line style medium, vk line style medium dash dot, vk line style medium dash dot dot,vk line style medium dashed, vk line style slanted dash dot, vk line style thick

Fonts and text

PropertyTypeDescriptionPossible values
fonttextSpecifies the font characteristics in CSS font shorthand ("font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family"). Example: "14pt Century Gothic". The font-size and font-family values are mandatory. If one of the other values is missing, their default values are used. Note: If a font name contains a space, the name must be within quotes.A CSS font shorthand. 4D provides utility commands to handle font characteristics as objects: VP Font to object and VP Object to font
formattertextPattern for value/time property.Number/text/date/time formats, special characters. See Cell Format.
isVerticalTextbooleanSpecifies text direction.True = vertical text, False = horizontal text.
labelOptionsobjectDefines cell label options (watermark options).
alignmentlongintSpecifies the position of the cell label. Optional property.vk label alignment top left, vk label alignment bottom left, vk label alignment top center, vk label alignment bottom center, vk label alignment top right, vk label alignment bottom right
visibilitylongintSpecifies the visibility of the cell label. Optional property.vk label visibility auto, vk label visibility hidden, vk label visibility visible
foreColortextDefines the color of the foreground. Optional property.CSS color "#rrggbb" syntax (preferred syntax), CSS color "rgb(r,g,b)" syntax (alternate syntax), CSS color name (alternate syntax)
fonttextSpecifies the font characteristics with CSS font shorthand ("font-style font-variant font-weight font-size/line-height font-family"). The font-size and font-family values are mandatory.
textDecorationlongintSpecifies the decoration added to text.vk text decoration double underline, vk text decoration line through, vk text decoration none, vk text decoration overline, vk text decoration underline
textIndentlongintDefines the unit of text indention. 1 = 8 pixels
textOrientationlongintDefines the rotation angle of the text in a cell. Number between -90 and 90
watermarktextDefines the watermark (cell label) content
wordWrapbooleanSpecifies if text should be wrapped.True = wrapped text, False = unwrapped text


PropertyTypeDescriptionPossible values
cellPaddingtextDefines the cell padding
hAlignlongintDefines the horizontal alignment of cell contents.vk horizontal align center, vk horizontal align general, vk horizontal align left, vk horizontal align right
lockedbooleanSpecifies cell protection status. Note, this is only available if sheet protection is enabled.True = locked, False = unlocked.
shrinkToFitbooleanSpecifies if the contents of the cell should be reduced.True = reduced content, False = no reduction.
tabStopbooleanSpecifies if the focus to the cell can be set using the Tab key.True = Tab key sets focus, False = Tab key does not set focus.
vAlignlongintSpecifies the vertical alignment of cell contents.vk vertical align bottom, vk vertical align center, vk vertical align top

Style information

nametextDefines the name of the style
parentNametextSpecifies the style that the current style is based on. Values from the parent style will be applied, then any values from the current style are applied. Changes made in the current style will not be refelected in the parent style. Only available when using a style sheet.

4D View Pro Object

The 4D View Pro object stores the whole spreadsheet contents. It is automatically handled by 4D View Pro. You can set or get this object using the VP IMPORT FROM OBJECT or VP Export to object commands.

It contains the following properties:

PropertyValue typeDescription
versionLongintInternal component version
dateCreationTimestampCreation date
dateModifiedTimestampLast modification date
metaObjectFree contents, reserved for the 4D developer
spreadJSObjectReserved for the 4D View Pro component

4D View Pro Form Object Variable

The 4D View Pro form object variable is the object variable associated to the 4D View Pro form area. It manages information used by the 4D View Pro object.

The 4D View Pro form object variable is for information purposes only (i.e., debugging). Under no circumstances should it be modified.

It contains the following properties:

PropertyValue typeDescription
ViewPro.areaText4D View Pro area name
ViewPro.callbacksObjectStores temporary information necessary for commands requiring callbacks such as importing and exporting.
ViewPro.commandBuffersCollectionStores sequentially the commands called by the method and executes them as a batch (rather than individually) when exiting the method, when a command returns a value, or when the VP FLUSH COMMANDS is called. This mechanism increases performance by reducing the number of requests sent.
ViewPro.eventsObjectEvent list.
ViewPro.formulaBarBooleanIndicates whether or not the formula bar is displayed. Available only for the "toolbar" interface.
ViewPro.initedBooleanIndicates whether or not the 4D View Pro area has been initialized (see On VP Ready event).
ViewPro.interfaceTextSpecifies the type of user interface:"ribbon", "toolbar", "none".