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Versão: v20 R4

Qodly Studio

Developer Preview

Qodly Studio in 4D is currently in the Developer Preview phase. Não deve ser usado na produção.

Qodly Studio is part of the Qodly platform, dedicated to the development of web business applications designed, tested and published entirely in the Qodly Cloud.

As of 4D v20 R2, you can use Qodly Studio directly from 4D to build modern and sophisticated web interfaces that you can easily integrate to your existing 4D projects and deploy on premise.

With Qodly Studio, you will discover a totally new web UI, get familiar with the concept of datasources, and learn how to:

  • criar formulários Web colocando componentes em uma página
  • mapear componentes para dados
  • acionar o código 4D configurando eventos
  • e muito mais.

O uso do Qodly Studio no 4D requer uma licença específica. Qodly Studio options and menu items won't appear if the license is not activated.



Qodly Studio suporta os seguintes navegadores Web:

  • Chrome
  • Edge
  • FireFox

A resolução recomendada é 1920x1080.

Aplicação 4D

  • Desenvolvimento: 4D v20 R2 ou superior
  • Desenvolvimento: 4D Server v20 R2 ou superior
  • Qodly Studio only works with 4D projects (binary databases are not supported).

Habilitando o acesso a Qodly Studio

Por padrão, o acesso a Qodly Studio não é concedido.

Qodly Studio is served by the WebAdmin web server and displays data from 4D projects handled by the 4D web server.

Para permitir o acesso ao Qodly Studio, você deve permiti-lo explicitamente em dois níveis:

  • a nível 4D (4D ou 4D Server)
  • a nível do projeto

If one of the two levels (or both) are not enabled, access to Qodly Studio is denied (a 403 page is returned).

No nível 4D

As a first security level, you need to allow access to Qodly Studio on the WebAdmin web server.

This setting applies to the 4D application (4D or 4D Server) on the host machine. Todos os projetos abertos com essa aplicação 4D consideram essa configuração.

Keep this option unchecked if you want to make sure no access to Qodly Studio is allowed on the application.

Marque esta opção para ser possível acessar a Qodly Studio. No entanto, você ainda precisa habilitá-lo em todos os níveis do projeto.

Additionally, you can configure the WebAdmin web server's HTTP/HTTPS port used.


After any change to these settings, you must restart the WebAdmin web server for the new configuration to be effective.

A nível do projeto

After you have enabled access to Qodly Studio at the 4D level, you need to explicitly designate every project that can be accessed. The Enable access to Qodly Studio option must be enabled on the Web Features page of the 4D application's Settings.

Keep in mind that user settings can be defined at several levels, and that priorities apply.

Ativando autenticação

Authentication on the WebAdmin web server is granted using an access key. For more details, see Access key.

Ativação da renderização

To enable the rendering of webforms that are created in Qodly Studio, the following options must be set.

When rendering webforms in the Web Studio, the renderer will connect to the 4D web server through HTTP or HTTPS, depending on the settings, following the same HTTP/HTTPS connection pattern as for the WebAdmin web server.


Veja esta página para mais informações sobre como renderizar webforms em Qodly.

Note that when you click on the "Preview in a new tab" button, a tab will open at IP:port/$lib/renderer/?w=WebFormName on your machine.

Tenha em mente que Qodly Web Studio é executado pelo servidor web 4D WebAdmin. When you use Qodly Web Studio as a developer, even when you preview a webform in the studio, you're using the 4D WebAdmin web server. This allows you to see dataclasses, functions and attributes that are not exposed as REST resources for example (they are greyed out).

However, webform rendering happens outside 4D Web Studio, and is served by the standard 4D web server. In this situation, your web application cannot access assets that are not exposed as REST resources. See Exposed vs non-exposed functions and Exposing tables for more information on how to expose assets.


Renderer buttons are hidden if the configuration options are not activated.

WebAdmin server and deployment

For deployment, the WebAdmin server is not necessary. End-user access to your web application made with Qodly Studio is based on the 4D REST protocol, and as such, it works as through a conventional 4D remote application.

Uso de métodos projeto

Recomendamos o uso de funções classe em vez de métodos projeto. Apenas as funções de classe podem ser chamadas a partir de componentes. No entanto, você ainda pode usar seus métodos projeto no Qodly Studio de duas maneiras:

  • Você pode chamar seus métodos a partir de funções classe.
  • You can directly execute your methods from the Qodly Explorer.

Abertura do Qodly Studio

The Qodly Studio page is available when the WebAdmin web server is running and authentication is activated (see above).

Há duas maneiras de acessar Qodly Studio:

  • from your 4D single-user application, go to Design > Qodly Studio.... If the WebAdmin web server is already running, depending on its configuration, your default browser opens at IPaddress:HTTPPort/studio or IPaddress:HTTPSPort/studio. Otherwise, you will be prompted if you want to start the WebAdmin web server first.

  • on a browser, with the WebAdmin web server running (launched from 4D or 4D Server), enter the following address:


ou :


For example, after launching a local web server on port 7080, type this address in your browser:


You will then be prompted to enter the access key to access Qodly Studio.

Utilizar Qodly Studio

The official Qodly Studio documentation is available on the Qodly documentation website.

You can rely on this documentation and its associated resources for developing web applications powered by webforms. However, depending on implementation stage, 4D developers will either use Qodly Studio or 4D IDE.


There is no direct compatibility between apps implemented with 4D and apps implemented with Qodly.

Comparação de funcionalidades

Qodly Studio para desenvolvedores 4D que usam o IDE 4DQodly Studio para desenvolvedores Qodly
Visualizar e editar tabelas (classes de dados), atributos e relaçõesEditor de estrutura 4D(1)Qodly Studio Model Editor
WebformsQodly Studio Webform EditorQodly Studio Webform Editor
Formulários para desktop4D IDEnão suportado
Linguagem de programaçãoLinguagem 4D com ORDAQodlyScript com ORDA
IDE de codificação4D IDE code editor/VS Code with 4D extension(2)Editor de código Qodly Studio
DepuradorDepurador 4D IDEDepurador Qodly Studio
REST/Web roles and privilegesroles.json direct edit/Qodly Studio roles and privileges editorQodly Studio role and privileges editor

(1) If you click on the Model button in Qodly Studio, nothing happens. (2) When you open some 4D code in Qodly Studio, syntax coloring is not available and a "Lsp not loaded" warning is displayed.

Gerenciamento de projetos

In accordance with the management of 4D projects, only the following usages are supported:

  • development with Qodly Studio must be done using 4D (single-user).
  • deployment of 4D applications powered with Qodly webforms must be done using 4D Server.

De QodlyScript à linguagem 4D

4D developers can use the Qodly Studio documentation to learn how to design their webforms in Qodly Studio. Code examples are provided in QodlyScript, but since QodlyScript inherits from the 4D Language, you won't be lost. Converting QodlyScript code to 4D language is easy, it only requires some adaptations:

Nomes de variáveis

QodlyScript only support local variables, so variables in QodlyScript examples are not prefixed with $. In the 4D code, make sure to prefix variable names with $ so that they are identifed as local variables by 4D.

Símbolos e palavras-chave

Some basic symbols, operators, and keywords differ in QodlyScript and must be adapted to the 4D Language. Eles estão listados abaixo:

QodlyScriptLínguagem 4DComentário
,;separador de argumentos
=:=operador de atribuição
===operador de comparação
switchCase of
constructorClass constructor
extendsClass extends
endEnd for, End For each, End if, End case, End use, End while
forEachFor each
stringTextvar type
numberRealvar type

Some other items have a different case (ex: this vs This) but can be pasted directly in 4D code.

Nomes de comandos

Os nomes dos comandos QodlyScript são escritos em letras maiúsculas e minúsculas, sem espaços. Talvez você precise adaptar esses comandos à linguagem 4D.

  • Normalmente, você só precisará converter os nomes. For example, newCollection in QodlyScript is New collection in 4D Language.
  • No entanto, alguns comandos foram renomeados para uma melhor conformidade. Eles estão listados abaixo:
QodlyScriptLínguagem 4D
highestProcessNumberCount tasks
callChainGet call chain
objectClassOB Class
objectCopyOB Copy
objectEntriesOB Entries
instanceOfOB Instance of
objectIsDefinedOB Is defined
objectIsEmptyOB Is empty
objectIsSharedOB Is shared
objectKeysOB Keys
objectRemoveOB REMOVE
objectValuesOB Values
sqrtSquare root


  • Código QodlyScript:
 declare(entitySelection : 4D.EntitySelection)  
var dataClass : 4D.DataClass
var entity, duplicate : 4D.Entity
var status : object
  • Código 4D equivalente no linguajem:
 #DECLARE ( $entitySelection : 4D.EntitySelection )  
var $dataClass : 4D.DataClass
var $entity; $duplicate : 4D.Entity
var $status : Object
For each($entity;$entitySelection)
End for each

Uso fora de linha

You can develop with Qodly Studio while your computer is not connected to the internet. Nesse caso, entretanto, os seguintes recursos não estão disponíveis:

  • Templates: the Template library is empty
  • UI tips: they are not displayed when you click on alt-text icons.

Sobre a licença de uso

To render webforms, you must have an available license, as rendering a webform opens a session on the project database's main web server.

Esquemas URL

A configuração do esquema de URL do Qodly Studio (HTTP e HTTPS) determina quantas licenças são retidas ao renderizar formulários Web. With the appropriate configuration, you can avoid unnecessary license retaining.

As explained in the configuration section, the WebAdmin web server provides a secured web access to Qodly Studio. On the other hand, the renderer communicates with the 4D web server of the database using REST requests. Dessa forma, se comporta como um Cliente 4D convencional.

Se você executar o renderizador a partir do Qodly Studio e esses dois servidores web não forem acessados através do mesmo esquema de URL (HTTP ou HTTPS), isso pode levar a uma contagem incorreta de licenças.


  1. Você executa Qodly Studio em um esquema URL HTTPS (por exemplo,

  2. O servidor da Web do seu banco de dados é iniciado somente em uma porta HTTP.


  1. In Qodly Studio, you click on the rendering icon. You are warned that the two web servers are started on different schemes, but despite this you click on the Confirm button.


Como resultado, duas licenças são mantidas.


You can enable/disable the display of the renderer pop over using a Qodly Studio user setting.

Atributo SameSite

O comportamento descrito anteriormente é devido ao cookie de sessão do servidor web 4D. This session cookie has a SameSite attribute that determines if the session cookie is sent to the web server.

If the SameSite attribute's value is Strict (default), the session cookie is not sent to the web server, so a new session is opened each time a page is rendered or refreshed.

For more information on the SameSite attribute, check out this blog post.


To avoid using more licenses than necessary, we recommend doing one of the following:

  • Run the renderer on another browser tab (by entering the rendered URL of your Web form: IP:port/$lib/renderer/?w=WebFormName).
  • Assegure-se de que o Qodly Studio e seu banco de dados sejam acessados no mesmo esquema de URL.
  • Use the Lax value for the session cookie of your project database's web server.

Hello, World

This 5-minute video provides a "Hello World" example and covers how to enable access to the studio, create a basic interface, and configure an event that greets the user by their name: