The POP3Transporter
class allows you to retrieve messages from a POP3 email server.
POP3 Transporter object
POP3 Transporter objects are instantiated with the POP3 New transporter command. They provide the following properties and functions:
.acceptUnsecureConnection : Boolean True if 4D is allowed to establish an unencrypted connection |
.authenticationMode : Text the authentication mode used to open the session on the mail server |
.checkConnection() : Object checks the connection using information stored in the transporter object |
.connectionTimeOut : Integer the maximum wait time (in seconds) allowed to establish a connection to the server |
.delete( msgNumber : Integer ) flags the msgNumber email for deletion from the POP3 server |
.getBoxInfo() : Object returns a boxInfo object corresponding to the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter |
.getMail( msgNumber : Integer ) : Object returns the Email object corresponding to the msgNumber in the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter |
.getMailInfo( msgNumber : Integer ) : Object returns a mailInfo object corresponding corresponding to the msgNumber in the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter |
.getMailInfoList() : Collection returns a collection of mailInfo objects describing all messages in the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter |
.getMIMEAsBlob( msgNumber : Integer ) : Blob returns a BLOB containing the MIME contents for the message corresponding to the msgNumber in the mailbox designated by the POP3_transporter |
.host : Text the name or the IP address of the host server |
.logFile : Text the path of the extended log file defined (if any) for the mail connection |
.port : Integer the port number used for mail transactions |
.undeleteAll() removes all delete flags set on the emails in the POP3_transporter |
.user : Text the user name used for authentication on the mail server |
POP3 New transporter
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
POP3 New transporter( server : Object ) : 4D.POP3Transporter
Parameter | Type | Description | |
server | object | -> | Mail server information |
Result | 4D.POP3Transporter | <- | POP3 transporter object |
The POP3 New transporter
command configures a new POP3 connectionaccording to the server parameter and returns a new POP3 transporter object. The returned transporter object will then usually be used to receive emails.
In the server parameter, pass an object containing the following properties:
server | Default value (if omitted) |
.acceptUnsecureConnection : Boolean True if 4D is allowed to establish an unencrypted connection | False |
.accessTokenOAuth2: Text String representing OAuth 2 authorization credentials. Used only with OAUTH2 authenticationMode . If accessTokenOAuth2 is used but authenticationMode is omitted, the OAuth 2 protocol is used (if allowed by the server). Not returned in SMTP transporter object. | none |
.authenticationMode : Text the authentication mode used to open the session on the mail server | the most secure authentication mode supported by the server is used |
.connectionTimeOut : Integer the maximum wait time (in seconds) allowed to establish a connection to the server | 30 |
.host : Text the name or the IP address of the host server | mandatory |
.logFile : Text the path of the extended log file defined (if any) for the mail connection | none |
.password : Text User password for authentication on the server. Not returned in SMTP transporter object. | none |
.port : Integer the port number used for mail transactions | 995 |
.user : Text the user name used for authentication on the mail server | none |
The function returns a POP3 transporter object. All returned properties are read-only.
The POP3 connection is automatically closed when the transporter object is destroyed.
var $server : Object
$server:=New object
$server.host:="pop.gmail.com" //Mandatory
$server.logFile:="LogTest.txt" //log to save in the Logs folder
var $transporter : 4D.POP3Transporter
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($server)
ALERT("An error occurred receiving the mail: "+$status.statusText)
End if
4D.POP3Transporter.new( server : Object ) : 4D.POP3Transporter
Parameter | Type | Description | |
server | Object | -> | Mail server information |
Result | 4D.POP3Transporter | <- | POP3 transporter object |
The 4D.POP3Transporter.new()
function creates and returns a new object of the 4D.POP3Transporter
type. It is identical to the POP3 New transporter
command (shortcut).
Release | Changes |
17 R4 | Added |
.acceptUnsecureConnection : Boolean
The .acceptUnsecureConnection
property contains True if 4D is allowed to establish an unencrypted connection when encrypted connection is not possible.
It contains False if unencrypted connections are unallowed, in which case an error in returned when encrypted connection is not possible.
Available secured ports are:
- 465: SMTPS
- 587 or 25: SMTP with STARTTLS upgrade if supported by the server.
- 143: IMAP non-encrypted port
- 993: IMAP with STARTTLS upgrade if supported by the server
- 110: POP3 non-encrypted port
- 995: POP3 with STARTTLS upgrade if supported by the server.
Release | Changes |
17 R4 | Added |
.authenticationMode : Text
The .authenticationMode
property contains the authentication mode used to open the session on the mail server.
By default, the most secured mode supported by the server is used.
Possible values are:
Value | Constants | Comment |
APOP | POP3 authentication APOP | Authentication using APOP protocol (POP3 only) |
CRAM-MD5 | POP3 authentication CRAM-MD5 | Authentication using CRAM-MD5 protocol |
LOGIN | POP3 authentication login | Authentication using LOGIN protocol |
OAUTH2 | POP3 authentication OAUTH2 | Authentication using OAuth2 protocol |
PLAIN | POP3 authentication plain | Authentication using PLAIN protocol |
Release | Changes |
17 R4 | Added |
.checkConnection() : Object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
Result | Object | <- | Status of the transporter object connection |
The .checkConnection()
function checks the connection using information stored in the transporter object, recreates the connection if necessary, and returns the status. This function allows you to verify that the values provided by the user are valid and consistent.
Returned object
The function sends a request to the mail server and returns an object describing the mail status. This object can contain the following properties:
Property | Type | Description | |
success | boolean | True if the check is successful, False otherwise | |
status | number | (SMTP only) Status code returned by the mail server (0 in case of an issue unrelated to the mail processing) | |
statusText | text | Status message returned by the mail server, or last error returned in the 4D error stack | |
errors | collection | 4D error stack (not returned if a mail server response is received) | |
[ ].errCode | number | 4D error code | |
[ ].message | text | Description of the 4D error | |
[ ].componentSignature | text | Signature of the internal component which returned the error |
var $pw : Text
var $options : Object
$options:=New object
$pw:=Request("Please enter your password:")
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($options)
ALERT("POP3 connection check successful!")
ALERT("Error: "+$status.statusText)
End if
End if
Release | Changes |
17 R5 | Added |
.connectionTimeOut : Integer
The .connectionTimeOut
property contains the maximum wait time (in seconds) allowed to establish a connection to the server. By default, if the property has not been set in the server object (used to create the transporter object with SMTP New transporter
, POP3 New transporter
, or IMAP New transporter
), the value is 30.
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
.delete( msgNumber : Integer )
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgNumber | Integer | -> | Number of the message to delete |
The .delete( )
function flags the msgNumber email for deletion from the POP3 server.
In the msgNumber parameter, pass the number of the email to delete. This number is returned in the number property by the .getMailInfoList()
Executing this method does not actually remove any email. The flagged email will be deleted from the POP3 server only when the POP3_transporter
object (created with POP3 New transporter
) is destroyed. The flag could be also be removed using the .undeleteAll()
If the current session unexpectedly terminates and the connection is closed (e.g., timeout, network failure, etc.), an error message is generated and messages marked for deletion will remain on the POP3 server.
For each($mailInfo;$mailInfoList)
// Mark your mail as "to be deleted at the end of the session"
End for each
// Force the session closure to delete the mails marked for deletion
CONFIRM("Selected messages will be deleted.";"Delete";"Undo")
If(OK=1) //deletion confirmed
$POP3_transporter.undeleteAll() //remove deletion flags
End if
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
.getBoxInfo() : Object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
Result | Object | <- | boxInfo object |
The .getBoxInfo()
function returns a boxInfo
object corresponding to the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter
. This function allows you to retrieve information about the mailbox.
The boxInfo
object returned contains the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
mailCount | Number | Number of messages in the mailbox |
size | Number | Message size in bytes |
var $server; $boxinfo : Object
$server:=New object
$server.host:="pop.gmail.com" //Mandatory
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($server)
//mailbox info
ALERT("The mailbox contains "+String($boxInfo.mailCount)+" messages.")
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
.getMail( msgNumber : Integer ) : Object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgNumber | Integer | -> | Number of the message in the list |
Result | Object | <- | Email object |
The .getMail()
function returns the Email
object corresponding to the msgNumber in the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter
. This function allows you to locally handle the email contents.
Pass in msgNumber the number of the message to retrieve. This number is returned in the number property by the .getMailInfoList()
The method returns Null if:
- msgNumber designates a non-existing message,
- the message was marked for deletion using
.delete( )
Returned object
returns an Email
You want to know the sender of the first mail of the mailbox:
var $server; $transporter : Object
var $mailInfo : Collection
var $sender : Variant
$server:=New object
$server.host:="pop.gmail.com" //Mandatory
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($server)
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
.getMailInfo( msgNumber : Integer ) : Object
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgNumber | Integer | -> | Number of the message in the list |
Result | Object | <- | mailInfo object |
The .getMailInfo()
function returns a mailInfo
object corresponding corresponding to the msgNumber in the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter
. This function allows you to retrieve information about the email.
In msgNumber, pass the number of the message to retrieve. This number is returned in the number property by the .getMailInfoList()
The mailInfo
object returned contains the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
size | Number | Message size in bytes |
id | Text | Unique ID of the message |
The method returns Null if:
- msgNumber designates a non-existing message,
- the message was marked for deletion using
.delete( )
var $server; $mailInfo : Object
var $mailNumber : Integer
$server.host:="pop.gmail.com" //Mandatory
var $transporter : 4D.POP3Transporter
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($server)
//message info
$mailInfo:=$transporter.getMailInfo(1) //get the first mail
If($mailInfo #Null)
ALERT("First mail size is:"+String($mailInfo.size)+" bytes.")
End if
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
.getMailInfoList() : Collection
Parameter | Type | Description | |
Result | Collection | <- | Collection of mailInfo objects |
The .getMailInfoList()
function returns a collection of mailInfo
objects describing all messages in the mailbox designated by the POP3 transporter
. This function allows you to locally manage the list of messages located on the POP3 mail server.
Each mailInfo
object in the returned collection contains the following properties:
Property | Type | Description |
[ ].size | Number | Message size in bytes |
[ ].number | Number | Message number |
[ ].id | Text | Unique ID of the message (useful if you store the message locally) |
If the mailbox does not contain a message, an empty collection is returned.
number and ID properties
number is the number of a message in the mailbox at the time the POP3_transporter
was created. The number property is not a static value in relation to any specific message and will change from session to session dependent on its relation to other messages in the mailbox at the time the session was opened. The numbers assigned to the messages are only valid during the lifetime of the POP3_transporter
. At the time the POP3_transporter
is deleted any message marked for deletion will be removed. When the user logs back into the server, the current messages in the mailbox will be renumbered from 1 to x.
The id however is a unique number assigned to the message when it was received by the server. This number is calculated using the time and date that the message is received and is a value assigned by your POP3 server. Unfortunately, POP3 servers do not use the id as the primary reference to their messages. Throughout the POP3 sessions you will need to specify the number as the reference to messages on the server. Developers may need to take some care if developing solutions which bring references to messages into a database but leave the body of the message on the server.
You want to know the total number and size of emails in the mailbox:
var $server : Object
$server:=New object
$server.host:="pop.gmail.com" //Mandatory
var $transporter : 4D.POP3Transporter
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($server)
ALERT("The mailbox contains "+String($vNum)+" message(s) for "+String($vSize)+" bytes.")
Release | Changes |
18 R3 | Added |
.getMIMEAsBlob( msgNumber : Integer ) : Blob
Parameter | Type | Description | |
msgNumber | Integer | -> | Number of the message in the list |
Result | Blob | <- | Blob of the MIME string returned from the mail server |
The .getMIMEAsBlob()
function returns a BLOB containing the MIME contents for the message corresponding to the msgNumber in the mailbox designated by the POP3_transporter
In msgNumber, pass the number of the message to retrieve. This number is returned in the number property by the .getMailInfoList()
The method returns an empty BLOB if:
- msgNumber designates a non-existing message,
- the message was marked for deletion using
Returned BLOB
returns a BLOB
which can be archived in a database or converted to an Email
object with the MAIL Convert from MIME
You want to know the total number and size of emails in the mailbox:
var $server : Object
var $mailInfo : Collection
var $blob : Blob
var $transporter : 4D.POP3Transporter
$server:=New object
$transporter:=POP3 New transporter($server)
Release | Changes |
17 R5 | Added |
.host : Text
The .host
property contains the name or the IP address of the host server. Used for mail transactions (SMTP, POP3, IMAP).
Release | Changes |
17 R5 | Added |
.logFile : Text
The .logFile
property contains the path of the extended log file defined (if any) for the mail connection. It can be relative (to the current Logs folder) or absolute.
Unlike regular log files (enabled via the SET DATABASE PARAMETER
command), extended log files store MIME contents of all sent mails and do not have any size limit. For more information about extended log files, refer to:
- SMTP connections - 4DSMTPLog.txt
- POP3 connections - 4DPOP3Log.txt
- IMAP connections - 4DIMAPLog.txt
Release | Changes |
17 R4 | Added |
.port : Integer
The .port
property contains the port number used for mail transactions. By default, if the port property has not been set in the server object (used to create the transporter object with SMTP New transporter
, POP3 New transporter
, IMAP New transporter
), the port used is:
- SMTP - 587
- POP3 - 995
- IMAP - 993
Release | Changes |
18 R2 | Added |
Parameter | Type | Description | |
Does not require any parameters |
The .undeleteAll()
function removes all delete flags set on the emails in the POP3_transporter
Release | Changes |
17 R4 | Added |
.user : Text
The .user
property contains the user name used for authentication on the mail server.