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Version: 20 R7

VP Cells

VP Cells ( vpAreaName : Text ; column: Integer ; row: Integer ; columnCount : Integer ; rowCount : Integer { ; sheet : Integer } ) : Object

17 R4Added
vpAreaNameText->4D View Pro area form object name
columnInteger->Column index
rowInteger->Row index
columnCountInteger->Number of columns
rowCountInteger->Number of rows
sheetInteger->Sheet index (current sheet if omitted)
ResultObject<-Range object of cells


The VP Cells command returns a new range object referencing specific cells.

In vpAreaName, pass the name of the 4D View Pro area. If you pass a name that does not exist, an error is returned.

The column parameter defines the first column of the cell range. Pass the column index (counting begins at 0) in this parameter. If the range is within multiple columns, you should also use the columnCount parameter.

In the row parameter, you can define the row(s) of the cell range's position. Pass the row index (counting begins at 0) in this parameter. If the range is within multiple rows, you should also use the rowCount parameter.

The columnCount parameter allows you to define the total number of columns the range is within. columnCount must be greater than 0.

The rowCount parameter allows you to define the total number of rows the range is within. rowCount must be greater than 0.

In the optional sheet parameter, you can designate a specific spreadsheet where the range will be defined (counting begins at 0). If omitted or if you pass vk current sheet, the current spreadsheet is used by default.


You want to define a range object for the following cells (on the current sheet):

The code would be:

$cells:=VP Cells("ViewProArea";2;4;2;3) // C5 to D7

See also

VP All
VP Cell
VP Column
VP Combine ranges
VP Name
VP Row