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Version: 20 R7


19 R7Added

VP SET TABLE COLUMN ATTRIBUTES ( vpAreaName : Text ; tableName : Text ; column : Integer ; attributes : Object {; sheet : Integer } )

vpAreaNameText->4D View Pro area form object name
tableNameText->Table name
columnInteger->Index of the column in the table
attributesObject->Attribute(s) to apply to the column
sheetInteger->Sheet index (current sheet if omitted)


The VP SET TABLE COLUMN ATTRIBUTES command applies the defined attributes to the column in the tableName.

In vpAreaName, pass the name of the 4D View Pro area.

In the attributes parameter, pass an object that contains the properties to set:

dataFieldtextTable column's property name in the data context.
nametextTable column's name. Must be unique in the table. If this name already used by another column, it is not applied and a default name is automaticaly used.
formulatextSets the formula for each column cell. See Structured Reference Formulas in the SpreadJS documentation
footerTexttextColumn footer value.
footerFormulatextColumn footer formula.
filterButtonVisiblebooleanSets whether the table column's filter button is displayed (default is True when the table is created).

In sheet, pass the index of the target sheet. If no index is specified or if you pass -1, the command applies to the current sheet.

Indexing starts at 0.

If tableName is not found or if column is higher than the number of columns, the command does nothing.


You create a table with a data context:

var $context;$options : Object

$context:=New object()
$context.col:=New collection()
$context.col.push(New object("name"; "Smith"; "firstname"; "John"; "salary"; 10000))
$context.col.push(New object("name"; "Wesson"; "firstname"; "Jim"; "salary"; 50000))
$context.col.push(New object("name"; "Gross"; "firstname"; "Maria"; "salary"; 10500))
VP SET DATA CONTEXT("ViewProArea"; $context)

//Define the columns for the table
$options:=New object()
$options.tableColumns:=New collection()
$options.tableColumns.push(New object("name"; "Last Name"; "dataField"; "name"))
$options.tableColumns.push(New object("name"; "Salary"; "dataField"; "salary"))

VP CREATE TABLE(VP Cells("ViewProArea"; 1; 1; 2; 3); "PeopleTable"; "col"; $options)

Then you want to insert a column with data from the data context and hide some filter buttons:

	//insert a column
VP INSERT TABLE COLUMNS("ViewProArea"; "PeopleTable"; 1; 1)

var $param : Object
$param:=New object()
// Bind the column to the firstname field from the datacontext
// Change the default name of the column to "First name"
// and hide the filter button
$"First Name"

VP SET TABLE COLUMN ATTRIBUTES("ViewProArea"; "PeopleTable"; 1; $param)

// Hide the filter button of the first column
VP SET TABLE COLUMN ATTRIBUTES("ViewProArea"; "PeopleTable"; 0; \
New object("filterButtonVisible"; False))

See also

VP Find table
VP Get table column attributes