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Version: 20 R7

WP Table get cells

WP Table get cells ( targetObj ) | ( tableRef ; startCol ; startRow {; numCols{; numRows}} ) : Object

targetObjObjectRange or element or 4D Write Pro document
tableRefObjectTable reference
startColIntegerPosition of first cell column
startRowIntegerPosition of first column row
numColsIntegerNumber of columns to get
numRowsIntegerNumber of rows to get
Function resultObjectNew range containing cells


The WP Table get cells command returns a new cell range object containing the selection of cells in the targetObj or tableRef (defined by startCol, startRow, numCols, and numRows).

Pass either:

  • targetObj:
    • a range, or
    • an element (row / paragraph / body / header / footer / inline picture / section / subsection), or
    • a 4D Write Pro document

If targetObj does not intersect with a table or text range where a selection of cells can be retrieved, the command returns Null.


  • startCol and startRow - define the left top coordinates of the first cell to get.
  • (optional) numCols and numRows - specify respectively the number of columns and the number of rows to get for the cell range.

If numRows is omitted, a single row is returned. If both numCols and numRows are omitted, the returned range contains a single cell.

If startCol plus numCols or startRow plus numRows exceeds the number of columns/rows in tableRef, or if startCol or startRow is greater than the number of columns/rows in tableRef, the returned range contains the maximum possible columns/rows.

Example 1

You want to modifiy the attributes of a range of cells:

 var $wpTable;$wpRange;$wpRow1;$wpRow2;$wpRow3;$wpRow4;$wpRow5;$cells : Object
 $wpRange:=WP Create range(WParea;wk start text;wk end text)
 $wpTable:=WP Insert table($wpRange;wk append)
 $wpRow1:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Paul";"Smith";25)
 $wpRow2:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"John";"Richmond";40)
 $wpRow3:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Mary";"Trenton";18)
 $wpRow4:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Christopher";"Lee";53)
 $wpRow5:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Henry";"Cartier";42)
 $cells:=WP Table get cells($wpTable;2;2;2;2)
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($cells;wk background color;0x00E0E0E0)
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($cells;wk text color;"blue")
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($cells;wk border color;0x00E000E0)
 WP SET ATTRIBUTES($cells;wk text align;wk center)


Example 2

To get a range of cells starting from the cell "5x7" to the end of the row:

 $cellRange:=WP Table get cells(tableRef;5;7;MAXLONG;1)

To get a range of cells starting from the cell "5x7" to the end of the column:

 $cellRange:=WP Table get cells(tableRef;5;7;1;MAXLONG)

To get a range of cells starting from the cell "5x7" to the end of the table:

 $cellRange:=WP Table get cells(tableRef;5;7;MAXLONG;MAXLONG)

Example 3

You want to retrieve the cells a user has selected:

 var $userSelection;$cells : Object
 $userSelection:=WP Selection range(myWPArea)
 $cells:=WP Table get cells($userSelection)

See also

WP Table get columns
WP Table get rows