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Version: 20 R7


GET LIST PROPERTIES ( list ; appearance {; icon {; lineHeight {; doubleClick {; multiSelections {; editable}}}}} )

listIntegerList reference number
appearanceIntegerGraphical style of the list 1 = Hierarchical list a la Macintosh 2 = Hierarchical list a la Windows
iconInteger*** Deprecated, always 0 ***
lineHeightIntegerMinimal line height expressed in pixels
doubleClickIntegerExpand/Collapse sublist on double-click? 0 = Yes, 1= No
multiSelectionsIntegerMultiple selections: 0 = No, 1 = Yes
editableIntegerList editable by user: 0 = No, 1 = Yes


The GET LIST PROPERTIES command returns information about the list whose reference number you pass in list.

The appearance parameter returns the graphical style of the list.

The icon parameter returns the resource IDs of the node icons displayed in the list.

The lineHeight parameter returns the minimal line height.

If doubleClick is set to 1, double-clicking on a parent list item does not provoke its child list to expand or to collapse. If doubleClick is set to 0, this behavior is active (defaut value).

If the multiSelections parameter is set to 0, multiple selections of items (manually or by programming) are not possible in the list. If it is set to 1, multiple selections are allowed.

If the editable parameter is set to 1, the list is editable when it is displayed as a choice list in a record. If it is set to 0, the list is not editable.

These properties can be set using the SET LIST PROPERTIES command and/or in the Design environment List Editor, if the list was created there or saved using the SAVE LIST command.

For a complete description of the appearance, node icons, minimal line height and double-click management of a list, see the SET LIST PROPERTIES command.

See also



Command number632
Thread safe