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Version: 20 R7


GET QUERY DESTINATION ( destinationType ; destinationObject ; destinationPtr )

destinationTypeInteger0=current selection, 1=set, 2=named selection, 3=variable
destinationObjectTextName of the set or Name of the named selection or Empty string
destinationPtrPointerPointer to local variable if destinationType=3


The GET QUERY DESTINATION command returns the current destination of query results for the process underway. By default, query results modify the current selection, but you can change this using the SET QUERY DESTINATION command.

In the destinationType parameter, 4D returns a value indicating the current destination of queries and in the destinationObject parameter it returns the name of the destination (if applicable). You can compare the value of the destinationType parameter with the constants of the Queries theme:

Into current selectionInteger0
Into named selectionInteger2
Into setInteger1
Into variableInteger3

The value returned in the destinationObject parameter depends on the value of the destinationType parameter:

destinationType parameterdestinationObject parameter
0 (current selection )destinationObject is an empty string
1 (set)destinationObject contains the name of the set
2 (named selection )destinationObject contains the name of the selection
3 (variable)destinationObject is an empty string (use the destinationPtr parameter)

When the query destination is a local variable (destinationType returns 3), 4D returns a pointer to this variable in the destinationPtr parameter.


We want to modify the query destination temporarily and then restore the previous parameters:

 GET QUERY DESTINATION($vType;$vName;$ptr)
  //retrieval of current parameters
 SET QUERY DESTINATION(Into set;"$temp")
  //temporary modification of destination
 QUERY(...) //query
 SET QUERY DESTINATION($vType;$vName;$ptr)
  //restoring parameters

See also



Command number1155
Thread safe