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Version: 20 R7


Length ( string ) : Integer

stringTextString for which to return length
Function resultIntegerLength of string


Length is used to find the length of aString.returns the number of characters that are in aString.

Note: In Unicode mode, when you want to check whether a string contains any characters, including ignorable characters, you must use the test If(Length(vtAnyText)=0) rather than If(vtAnyText=""). If the string contains for example Char(1), which is an ignorable character, Length(vtAnyText) does return 1 but vtAnyText="" returns True.


This example illustrates the use of Length. The results, described in the comments, are assigned to the variable vlResult.

 vlResult:=Length("Topaz") // vlResult gets 5
 vlResult:=Length("Citizen") // vlResult gets 7


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