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Version: 20 R7


QR SET DOCUMENT PROPERTY ( area ; property ; value )

areaIntegerReference of the area
propertyInteger1 = Printing dialog, 2 = Document unit
valueIntegerValue for the property


The QR SET DOCUMENT PROPERTY command displays the printing dialog or sets the unit used for the document.

In property, you can pass the following constants, located in the QR Document Properties constant theme:

qr field separatorInteger3Character code of the field separator. Default value is the system variable FldDelimit (Tab by default).
qr printing dialogInteger1Display of the print dialog box:
If value = 0, the print dialog is not displayed prior to printing.If value = 1, the print dialog is displayed prior to printing (default value).
qr record separatorInteger4Character code of the record separator. Default value is the system variable RecDelimit (Carriage Return by default).
qr unitInteger2Document unit:
If value = 0, the document unit is points.If value = 1, the document unit is centimeters.If value = 2, the document unit is inches.

If you pass an invalid area number, the error -9850 will be generated.
If you pass an invalid value in the property or value parameter, the corresponding error (-9852 or -9853) is generated.

See also

QR Get document property


Command number772
Thread safe
Modifies variableserror