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Version: 20 R7

Hierarchical Lists

APPEND TO LIST ( list ; itemText ; itemRef {; sublist ; expanded} )
CLEAR LIST ( list {; *} )
Copy list ( list ) : ListRef
Count list items ( {* ;} list {; *} ) : Integer
DELETE FROM LIST ( {* ;} list ; itemRef {; *} )
DELETE FROM LIST ( * ; list ; * {; *} )

Find in list ( {* ;} list ; value ; scope {; itemsArray {; *}} ) : Integer
GET LIST ITEM ( {* ;} list ; itemPos ; itemRef ; itemText {; sublist ; expanded} )
GET LIST ITEM ( {* ;} list ; * ; itemRef ; itemText {; sublist ; expanded} )

Get list item font ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ) : Text
Get list item font ( * ; list ; * ) : Text

GET LIST ITEM ICON ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; icon )
GET LIST ITEM ICON ( * ; list ; * ; icon

GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; selector ; value )
GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ( * ; list ; * ; selector ; value )

GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ARRAYS ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; arrSelection {; arrValues} )
GET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ARRAYS ( * ; list ; * ; arrSelection {; arrValues} )

GET LIST ITEM PROPERTIES ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; enterable {; styles {; icon {; color}}} )
GET LIST ITEM PROPERTIES ( * ; list ; * ; enterable {; styles {; icon {; color}}} )

GET LIST PROPERTIES ( list ; appearance {; icon {; lineHeight {; doubleClick {; multiSelections {; editable}}}}} )
INSERT IN LIST ( {* ;} list ; beforeItemRef ; itemText ; itemRef {; sublist ; expanded} )
INSERT IN LIST ( * ; list ; * ; itemText ; itemRef {; sublist ; expanded} )

Is a list ( list ) : Boolean
List item parent ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ) : Integer
List item parent ( * ; list ; * ) : Integer

List item position ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ) : Integer
LIST OF CHOICE LISTS ( numsArray ; namesArray )
Load list ( listName ) : ListRef
New list : ListRef
SAVE LIST ( list ; listName )
SELECT LIST ITEMS BY POSITION ( {* ;} list ; itemPos {; positionsArray} )
SELECT LIST ITEMS BY REFERENCE ( list ; itemRef {; refArray} )
Selected list items ( {* ;} list {; itemsArray {; *}} ) : Integer
SET LIST ITEM ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; newItemText ; newItemRef {; sublist ; expanded} )
SET LIST ITEM ( * ; list ; * ; newItemText ; newItemRef {; sublist ; expanded} )

SET LIST ITEM FONT ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; font )
SET LIST ITEM FONT ( * ; list ; * ; font )

SET LIST ITEM ICON ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; icon )
SET LIST ITEM ICON ( * ; list ; * ; icon )

SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; selector ; value )
SET LIST ITEM PARAMETER ( * ; list ; * ; selector ; value )

SET LIST ITEM PROPERTIES ( {* ;} list ; itemRef ; enterable ; styles {; icon {; color}} )
SET LIST ITEM PROPERTIES ( * ; list ; * ; enterable ; styles {; icon {; color}} )

SET LIST PROPERTIES ( list ; appearance {; icon {; lineHeight {; doubleClick {; multiSelections {; editable}}}}} )
SORT LIST ( list {; > or <} )