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Version: 20 R7


WA GET LAST URL ERROR ( {* ;} object ; url ; description ; errorCode )

*OperatorIf specified, object is an object name (string) If omitted, object is a variable
objectanyObject name (if * is specified) or Variable (if * is omitted)
urlTextURL at origin of error
descriptionTextDescription of error (Mac OS)
errorCodeIntegerError code


The WA GET LAST URL ERROR command recovers several items of information about the last error that occurred in the Web area designated by the * and object parameters.

This information is returned in three variables:

  • url: URL causing error.
  • description (Mac OS only): A text describing the error (if available). If it is not possible to associate a text with the error, an empty string is returned. Under Windows, this parameter is always returned empty.
  • errorCode: The error code.
    • If the code is >=400, it is an error related to the HTTP protocol. For more information about this type of error, refer to the following address:
    • Otherwise, it is an error returned by the WebKit (Mac OS) or ActiveX (Windows).

It is recommended to call this command within the framework of the On URL Loading Error form event to find out the cause of the error that just occurred.

See also

Form event code


Command number1034
Thread safe