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Version: 20


The HTTPRequest class allows you to handle HTTPRequest objects that can be used to configure and send requests to an HTTP server, as well as to process the HTTP server responses.

The HTTPRequest class is available from the 4D class store. You create and send HTTP requests using the function, that returns a HTTPRequest object.

19 R6Class added


Create a MyHttpRequestOptions class for the request options:

Class constructor($method : Text; $headers : Object; $body : Text)

Function onResponse($request : 4D.HTTPRequest; $event : Object)
//My onResponse method, if you want to handle the request asynchronously

Function onError($request : 4D.HTTPRequest; $event : Object)
//My onError method, if you want to handle the request asynchronously

You can now create your request:

var $headers : Object
$headers:=New object()

var myHttpRequestOptions : cs.MyHttpRequestOptions
myHttpRequestOptions :="GET"; $headers; "")

var $request : 4D.HTTPRequest
$""; myHttpRequestOptions)
$request.wait() //If you want to handle the request synchronously
//Now you can use $request.response to access the result of the request or $request.error to check the error that happened.

HTTPRequest Object

An HTTPRequest object is a non-sharable object.

HTTPRequest objects provide the following properties and functions:

dataType : Text    the dataType passed in the options object when calling new(), "auto" if it was omitted
encoding : Text    the encoding passed in the options object when calling new(), "UTF-8" if it was omitted
errors : Collection    the collection of all the errors if at least one error has been triggered
headers : Object    the headers passed in the options object when calling new()
method : Text    the method passed in the options object when calling new()
protocol : Text    the protocol passed in the options object when calling new()
response : Object    the response to the request if it has received at least the status code, undefined otherwise
returnResponseBody : Boolean    the returnResponseBody passed in the options object when calling new()
.terminate()    aborts the HTTP request
terminated : Boolean    True if the request is terminated (after the call to onTerminate), false otherwise
timeout : Real    the timeout passed in the options object when calling new()
url : Text    the URL of the HTTP request
.wait( { time : Real } ) : 4D.HTTPRequest    waits for the response from the server

20TLS validation by default
19 R7Support of automaticRedirections and decodeData properties url : Text { ; options : Object } ) : 4D.HTTPRequest

urlText->URL to which to send the request
optionsObject->Request configuration properties
Result4D.HTTPRequest<-New HTTPRequest object


The function creates and sends a HTTP request to the HTTP server defined in url with the defined options, and returns a 4D.HTTPRequest object.

The returned HTTPRequest object is used to process responses from the HTTP server and call methods.

In url, pass the URL where you want to send the request. The syntax to use is:


If you omit the scheme part (http:// or https://), a https request is sent.

For example, you can pass the following strings:"jones"
http://[2001:0db8:0000:0000:0000:ff00:0042:8329]:8080/index.html (**)

options parameter

In the options parameter, pass an object that can contain the following properties:

automaticRedirectionsBooleanIf true, redirections are performed automatically (up to 5 redirections are handled, the 6th redirection response is returned if any)True
bodyVariantBody of the request (required in case of post or put requests). Can be a text, a blob, or an object. The content-type is determined from the type of this property unless it is set inside the headersundefined
certificatesFolderFolderSets the active client certificates folderundefined
dataTypeTextType of the response body attribute. Values: "text", "blob", "object", or "auto". If "auto", the type of the body content will be deduced from its MIME type (object for JSON, text for text, javascript, xml, http message and url encoded form, blob otherwise)"auto"
decodeDataBooleanIf true, the data received in the onData callback is uncompressedFalse
encodingTextUsed only in case of requests with a body (post or put methods). Encoding of the request body content if it's a text, ignored if content-type is set inside the headers"UTF-8"
headersObjectHeaders of the request. Syntax: headers.key=value (value can be a Collection if the same key must appear multiple times)Empty object
methodText"POST", "GET", or other method"GET"
minTLSVersionTextSets the minimum version of TLS: "TLSv1_0", "TLSv1_1", "TLSv1_2", "TLSv1_3""TLSv1_2"
onDataFunctionCallback when data from the body is received. It receives two objects as parameters (see below)undefined
onErrorFunctionCallback when an error occurs. It receives two objects as parameters (see below)undefined
onHeadersFunctionCallback when the headers are received. It receives two objects as parameters (see below)undefined
onResponseFunctionCallback when a response is received. It receives two objects as parameters (see below)undefined
onTerminateFunctionCallback when the request is over. It receives two objects as parameters (see below)undefined
protocolText"auto" or "HTTP1". "auto" means HTTP1 in the current implementation"auto"
proxyAuthenticationauthentication objectObject handling proxy authenticationundefined
serverAuthenticationauthentication objectObject handling server authenticationundefined
returnResponseBodyBooleanIf false, the response body is not returned in the response object. Returns an error if false and onData is undefinedTrue
timeoutRealTimeout in seconds. Undefined = no timeoutUndefined
validateTLSCertificateBooleanIf false, 4D does not validate the TLS certificate and does not return an error if it is invalid (i.e. expired, self-signed...). Important: In the current implementation, the Certification Authority itself is not verified.True

Callback functions

All callback functions receive two object parameters:

$param1HTTPRequest object
$param2Event object

Here is the sequence of callback calls:

  1. onHeaders is always called once

  2. onData is called zero or several times (not called if the request does not have a body)

  3. If no error occured, onResponse is always called once

  4. If an error occurs, onError is executed once (and terminates the request)

  5. onTerminate is always executed once

event object

An event object is returned when a callback function is called. It contains the following properties:

.datablobReceived data. It is always undefined except in the onData callback
.typetextType of event. Possible values: "response", "error", "headers", "data", or "terminate

authentication object

An authentication object handles the options.serverAuthentication or options.proxyAuthentication property. It can contain the following properties:

nameTextName used for authenticationundefined
passwordTextPassword used for authenticationundefined
methodTextMethod used for authentication:"basic", "digest", "auto""auto"


dataType : Text


The .dataType property contains the dataType passed in the options object when calling new(), "auto" if it was omitted.


encoding : Text


The .encoding property contains the encoding passed in the options object when calling new(), "UTF-8" if it was omitted.


errors : Collection


The .errors property contains the collection of all the errors if at least one error has been triggered.

Here is the contents of the .errors property:

errorsCollection4D error stack in case of error
[].errCodeNumber4D error code
[].messageTextDescription of the 4D error
[].componentSignatureTextSignature of the internal component which returned the error


headers : Object


The .headers property contains the headers passed in the options object when calling new(). If it was omitted, contains an empty object.


method : Text


The .method property contains the method passed in the options object when calling new(). If it was omitted, contains "GET".


protocol : Text


The .protocol property contains the protocol passed in the options object when calling new(). If it was omitted or if "auto" was used, contains the version of the protocol used.


19 R8.headers returns lowercase names. New .rawHeaders property

response : Object


The .response property contains the response to the request if it has received at least the status code, undefined otherwise.

A response object is a non-sharable object. It provides the following properties:

.bodyVariantBody of the response. The type of the message is defined according to the dataType property. Undefined if the body has not been received yet
.headersObjectHeaders of the response. Header names are returned in lowercase. <headername>.key = value (value can be a collection if the same key appears multiple times). Undefined if the headers have not been received yet.
.statusNumberStatus code of the response
.statusTextTextMessage explaining the status code
.rawHeadersObjectHeaders of the response. Header names are returned untouched (with their original case). <headerName>.key = value (value can be a collection if the same key appears multiple times). Undefined if the headers have not been received yet.


returnResponseBody : Boolean


The .returnResponseBody property contains the returnResponseBody passed in the options object when calling new(). If it was omitted, contains True.



Does not require any parameters


This function is thread-safe.

The .terminate() function aborts the HTTP request. It triggers the onTerminate event.


terminated : Boolean


The .terminated property contains True if the request is terminated (after the call to onTerminate), false otherwise.


timeout : Real


The .timeout property contains the timeout passed in the options object when calling new(). If it was omitted, contains Undefined.


url : Text


The .url property contains the URL of the HTTP request.


.wait( { time : Real } ) : 4D.HTTPRequest

timeReal->Maximum time in seconds to wait for the response
Result4D.HTTPRequest<-HTTPRequest object


This function is thread-safe.

The wait() function waits for the response from the server.

If a time parameter is passed, the function will wait at most the defined number of seconds.

If the response from the server has already arrived, the function returns immediately.

During a .wait() execution, callback functions are executed, whether from other HTTPRequest or SystemWorker instances, or other CALL WORKER calls. You can exit from a .wait() by calling terminate() from a callback.