Default Button
The default button property designates the button that gets the initial focus at runtime when no button of the form has the Focusable property.
There can only be one default button per form page.
In addition, on macOS, the default button property modifies the button's appearance in order to indicate a "recommended choice" to the user and is automatically bound to the Enter key, even if it does not have the focus. The default button can be different from the focused button. Default buttons have a specific blue appearance on macOS:
Button must have a standard height to get the default button appearance.
On Windows, the concept of "recommended choice" is not supported: only the focused button has a different appearance at runtime and the Enter key is bound to the focused button. However, in the 4D form editor, the default button is represented with a blue outline:
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
defaultButton | boolean | true, false |
Objects Supported
Hide focus rectangle
During execution, a field or any enterable area is outlined by a selection rectangle when it has the focus (via the Tab key or a single click). You can hide this rectangle by enabling this property. Hiding the focus rectangle may be useful in the case of specific interfaces.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
hideFocusRing | boolean | true, false |
Objects Supported
4D Write Pro area - Hierarchical List - Input - List Box - Subform
Hide selection highlight
Selection type list boxes
This property is used to disable the selection highlight in list boxes.
When this option is enabled, the selection highlight is no longer visible for selections made in list boxes. Selections themselves are still valid and work in exactly the same way as previously; however, they are no longer represented graphically onscreen, and you will need to define their appearance programmatically.
By default, this option is not enabled.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
hideSystemHighlight | boolean | true, false |
Objects Supported
Horizontal Scroll Bar
An interface tool allowing the user to move the viewing area to the left or right.
Available values:
Property List | JSON value | Description |
Yes | "visible" | The scrollbar is always visible, even when it is not necessary (in other words, when the size of the object contents is smaller than that of the frame). |
No | "hidden" | The scrollbar is never visible |
Automatic | "automatic" | The scrollbar appears automatically whenever necessary and the user can enter text larger than the object width |
Picture objects can have scrollbars when the display format of the picture is set to “Truncated (non-centered).”
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
scrollbarHorizontal | text | "visible", "hidden", "automatic" |
Objects Supported
Hierarchical List - Subform - List Box - Input - 4D Write Pro area
See also
Sets the screen resolution for the 4D Write Pro area contents. By default, it is set to 72 dpi (macOS), which is the standard resolution for 4D forms on all platforms. Setting this property to 96 dpi will set a windows/web rendering on both macOS and Windows platforms. Setting this property to automatic means that document rendering will differ between macOS and Windows platforms.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
dpi | number | 0=automatic, 72, 96 |
Objects Supported
Show background
Displays/hides both background images and background color.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showBackground | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Show footers
Displays/hides the footers when Page view mode is set to "Page".
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showFooters | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Show Formula Bar
When enabled, the formula bar is visible below the Toolbar interface in the 4D View Pro area. If not selected, the formula bar is hidden.
This property is available only for the Toolbar interface.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
withFormulaBar | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Show headers
Displays/hides the headers when Page view mode is set to "Page".
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showHeaders | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Show hidden characters
Displays/hides invisible characters
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showHiddenChars | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Show horizontal ruler
Displays/hides the horizontal ruler when the document view is in Page mode.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showHorizontalRuler | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Enables/disables the HTML WYSIWYG view, in which any 4D Write Pro advanced attributes which are not compliant with all browsers are removed.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showHTMLWysiwyg | boolean | true, false (default) |
Objects Supported
Show page frame
Displays/hides the page frame when Page view mode is set to "Page".
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showPageFrames | boolean | true, false |
Objects Supported
Show references
Displays all 4D expressions inserted in the 4D Write Pro document as references. When this option is disabled, 4D expressions are displayed as values. By default when you insert a 4D field or expression, 4D Write Pro computes and displays its current value. Select this property if you wish to know which field or expression is displayed. The field or expression references then appear in your document, with a gray background.
For example, you have inserted the current date along with a format, the date is displayed:
With the Show references property on, the reference is displayed:
4D expressions can be inserted using the
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showReferences | boolean | true, false (default) |
Objects Supported
Show vertical ruler
Displays/hides the vertical ruler when the document view is in Page mode.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
showVerticalRuler | boolean | true (default), false |
Objects Supported
Tab Control Direction
You can set the direction of tab controls in your forms. This property is available on all the platforms but can only be displayed in macOS. You can choose to place the tab controls on top (standard) or on the bottom.
When tab controls with a custom direction are displayed under Windows, they automatically return to the standard direction (top).
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
labelsPlacement | boolean | "top", "bottom" |
Objects Supported
User Interface
You can add an interface to 4D View Pro areas to allow end users to perform basic modifications and data manipulations. 4D View Pro offers two optional interfaces to choose from, Ribbon and Toolbar.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
userInterface | text | "none" (default), "ribbon", "toolbar" |
Objects Supported
See also
Vertical Scroll Bar
An interface tool allowing the user to move the viewing area up and down.
Available values:
Property List | JSON value | Description |
Yes | "visible" | The scrollbar is always visible, even when it is not necessary (in other words, when the size of the object contents is smaller than that of the frame). |
No | "hidden" | The scrollbar is never visible |
Automatic | "automatic" | The scrollbar appears automatically whenever necessary (in other words, when the size of the object contents is greater than that of the frame) |
Picture objects can have scrollbars when the display format of the picture is set to “Truncated (non-centered).”
If a text input object does not have a scroll bar, the user can scroll the information using the arrow keys.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
scrollbarVertical | text | "visible", "hidden", "automatic" |
Objects Supported
Hierarchical List - Subform - List Box - Input - 4D Write Pro area
See also
View mode
Sets the mode for displaying the 4D Write Pro document in the form area. Three values are available:
- Page: the most complete view mode, which includes page outlines, orientation, margins, page breaks, headers and footers, etc.
- Draft: draft mode with basic document properties
- Embedded: view mode suitable for embedded areas; it does not display margins, footers, headers, page frames, etc. This mode can also be used to produce a web-like view output (if you also select the 96 dpi resolution and the Show HTML WYSIWYG properties).
The View mode property is only used for onscreen rendering. Regarding printing settings, specific rendering rules are automatically used.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
layoutMode | text | "page", "draft", "embedded" |
Objects Supported
Sets the zoom percentage for displaying 4D Write Pro area contents.
JSON Grammar
Name | Data Type | Possible Values |
zoom | number | minimum = 0 |