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Version: 20 R8 BETA


WP TABLE SPLIT CELLS ( targetObj ) | ( tableRef ; startColumn ; startRow {; columnCount{; rowCount}} )

targetObjObjectRange or element or 4D Write Pro document
tableRefObjectTable reference
startColumnIntegerPosition of first cell column
startRowIntegerPosition of first column row
columnCountIntegerNumber of columns to split
rowCountIntegerNumber of rows to split

This command is not thread-safe, it cannot be used in preemptive code.


The WP TABLE SPLIT CELLS command splits the intersecting selection of cells in the targetObj or tableRef (defined by startColumn, startRow, columnCount, and rowCount). A cell will be split only if it has already been merged horizontally, vertically, or both; otherwise, the cell will not be modified.

Pass either:

  • targetObj:
    • a range, or
    • an element (table / row / body / paragraph / anchored image / header / footer / section / subsection), or
    • a 4D Write Pro document

If targetObj does not intersect with a table or text range where a selection of cells can be retrieved, the command doesn't do anything.

If targetObj intersects one or many cells that haven’t been merged before, the WP TABLE SPLIT CELLS command does nothing.


  • startColumn and startRow - define the left top coordinates of the first cell to split.
  • columnCount and rowCount (optional) - specify respectively the number of columns and the number of rows to be splitted.

If rowCount is omitted, it is the equivalent of passing 1 (default value). If both columnCount and rowCount are omitted, it is the equivalent of splitting a single cell, and if it hasn’t been merged before nothing happens.

If startColumn plus ColumnCount or startRow plus rowCount exceeds the number of columns/rows in tableRef, or if startColumn or startRow is greater than the number of columns/rows in tableRef, the returned range contains the maximum possible columns/rows which means every cell in the table (if it has been merged before) is splitted.


You want to designate a range of cells (that contain some already merged cells) and split it:

 WP TABLE SPLIT CELLS($table;3;2;1;1)
 $cells:=WP Table get cells($table;3;2;1;1)


Data from the already merged cell is kept all in the first (top left) cell after the split, the other resulting cells from the split remain empty.

For more details, please refer to Merging and splitting cells.

See also

Handling tables