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Version: 20 R8 BETA

Is field number valid

Is field number valid ( tablePtr ; fieldNum ) : Boolean
Is field number valid ( tableNum ; fieldNum ) : Boolean

tableNum | tablePtrInteger, PointerTable number or Pointer to table
fieldNumIntegerField number
Function resultBooleanTrue = field exists in the table False = field does not exist in the table


The Is field number valid command returns True if the field whose number is passed in the fieldNum parameter exists in the table whose number or pointer is passed in the tableNum or tablePtr parameter. If the field does not exist, the command returns False. Keep in mind that the command returns False if the table containing the field is in the Trash of the Explorer.

This command can be used to detect any field deletions, which create gaps in the sequence of field numbers.

See also

Last table number
Is table number valid


Command number1000
Thread safe