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Version: 20 R8 BETA

License info

License info : Object

Function resultObjectInformation about the active licence


The License info command returns an object providing detailed information about the active license.

If the command is executed on a 4D application that does not use locally a license (e.g. 4D remote), the command returns a Null object.

The returned object contains the following properties:

"name": "string",
"key": 0,
"licenseNumber": "string",
"version": "string",
"attributes": ["string1", "string2"], // optional
"userName": "string",
"userMail": "string",
"companyName": "string",
"platforms": ["string1", "string2"],
"expirationDate": {
// details here
}, // optional
"renewalFailureCount": 0, // optional
"products": [
{ // for each registered expansion product
"id": 0,
"name": "string",
"usedCount": 0,
"allowedCount": 0,
"rights": [
"count": 0,
"expirationDate": {
// details here
} // optional
namestringCommercial name"4D Developer Professional vXX"
keynumberID of the installed product. A unique number is associated to a 4D application (such as 4D Server, 4D in local mode, 4D Desktop, etc.) installed on a machine. This number is encrypted.12356789
licenseNumberstringLicense number"4DDP16XXXXX1123456789"
versionstringProduct version number"16", "16R2"
attributescollection of stringsLicense type(s) when applicable (optional)["application","OEM"], ["evaluation"]
userNamestringName of 4D store account"John Smith"
userMailstringMail of 4D store account""
companyNamestringCompany name of 4D store account"Alpha Cie"
platformscollection of stringsLicense platform(s)["macOS", "windows"]
expirationDateobjectDate of expiration (optional){"day":2, "month":6, "year":2026}
renewalFailureCountnumberNumber of unsuccessful automatic renewal attempts for at least one of the product licenses (optional)3
productscollection of objectsDescription of product license (one element per product license). See below.

Each object of the products collection can have the following properties:

idnumberLicense numberFor available values, see the Is license available command
namestringLicense name"4D Write - 4D Write Pro"
usedCountnumberNumber of consumed connections8
allowedCountnumberTotal connections allowed for the product against the expiry dates15
rightscollection of objectsRights for the product (one element per expiration date)
[ ].countnumberNumber of allowed connections15 (32767 means unlimited)
[ ].expirationDateobjectDate of expiration (optional, same format as above){"day":1, "month":11, "year":2017}


You want to get information on your current 4D Server license:

 var $obj : Object
 $obj:=License info

$obj can contain, for example:

    "name": "4D Server v16 R3",
    "key": 123456789,
    "licenseNumber": "xxxx",
    "version": "16R3",
    "userName": "John DOE",
    "userMail": "",
    "companyName": "Alpha",
    "platforms": ["macOS", "windows"],
    "expirationDate": {"day":1, "month":1, "year":2018},
            "allowedCount": 15,
            "id": 808464697,
            "name": "4D Write - 4D Write Pro",
            "rights": [
                    "count": 5,
                    "expirationDate": {"day":1, "month":2, "year":2018}
                }, {
                    "count": 10,
                    "expirationDate": {"day":1, "month":11, "year":2017}
                }, {
                    "count": 10,
                    "expirationDate": {"day":1, "month":11, "year":2015} //expired, not counted
            "usedCount": 12

See also

Is license available
WEB Get server info


Command number1489
Thread safe