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Version: 20 R8 BETA

MAIL Convert from MIME


MAIL Convert from MIME( mime : Blob ) : Object
MAIL Convert from MIME( mime : Text ) : Object

mimeBlob, TextEmail in MIME
ResultObjectEmail object


The MAIL Convert from MIME command converts a MIME document into a valid email object.

4D follows the JMAP specification to format the returned email object.

Pass in mime a valid MIME document to convert. It can be provided by any mail server or application. You can pass a BLOB or a text mime parameter. If the MIME comes from a file, it is recommended to use a BLOB parameter to avoid issues related to charset and line break conversions.

Returned object

Email object.

Example 1

You want to load a mail template saved as MIME in a text document and send an email:

var $mime: Blob
var $mail;$server;$transporter;$status: Object


$mail:=MAIL Convert from MIME($mime)
$mail.subject:="Hello world"

$server:=New object

$transporter:=SMTP New transporter($server)

Example 2

In this example, you send directly a 4D Write Pro document containing pictures:

var $mime: Blob
var $email;$server;$transporter;$status: Object

// Mime export of the 4D Write Pro document
WP EXPORT VARIABLE(WParea;$mime;wk mime html)

// convert 4D Write Pro Mime variable in mail object
$email:=MAIL Convert from MIME($mime)

// Fill your mail object headers
$email.subject:="4D Write Pro HTML body"

$server:=New object

$transporter:=SMTP New transporter($server)


Command number1681
Thread safe