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SET PRINT MARKER ( markNum ; position {; *} )

markNumIntegerMarker number
positionIntegerNew position for the marker
*OperatorIf passed = move subsequent markers If omitted = do not move subsequent markers


The SET PRINT MARKER command enables the definition of the marker position during printing. Combined with the Get print marker, OBJECT MOVE or Print form commands, this command allows you to adjust the size of the print areas.

SET PRINT MARKER can be used in two contexts:

  • during the On Header form event, in the context of PRINT SELECTION and PRINT RECORD commands.
  • during the On Printing Detail form event, in the context of the Print form command. This operation facilitates the printing of customized reports (see example). The effect of the command is limited to printing; no modification appears on the screen. The modifications made to the forms are not saved.

Pass one of the constants of the Form Area theme in the markNum parameter:

Form break0Integer300
Form break1Integer301
Form break2Integer302
Form break3Integer303
Form break4Integer304
Form break5Integer305
Form break6Integer306
Form break7Integer307
Form break8Integer308
Form break9Integer309
Form detailInteger0
Form footerInteger100
Form headerInteger200
Form header1Integer201
Form header10Integer210
Form header2Integer202
Form header3Integer203
Form header4Integer204
Form header5Integer205
Form header6Integer206
Form header7Integer207
Form header8Integer208
Form header9Integer209

In position, pass the new position desired, expressed in pixels.

If you pass the optional * parameter, all the markers located below the marker specified in markNum will be moved the same number of pixels and in the same direction as this marker when the command is executed. Warning: in this case, any objects present in the areas located below the marker are also moved.

When the * parameter is used, it is possible to position the markNum marker beyond the initial position of the markers that follow it — these latter markers will be moved simultaneously.


  • This command modifies only the existing marker position. It does not allow the addition of markers. If you designate a marker that does not exist in the form, the command will not do anything.
  • The print marker mechanism in the Design mode is retained: a marker cannot go any higher than the one that precedes it, nor any lower than the one that follows it (when the * parameter is not used).


This complete example enables you to generate the printing of a three-column report, the height of each row being calculated on the fly according to the contents of the fields.
The output form used for printing is as follows:

The On Printing Detail form event was selected for the form (keep in mind that no matter what area is printed, the Print form command only generates this type of form event).
For each record, the row height must be adapted according to the contents of the "Actors" or "Summary" column (column having the most content). Here is the desired result:

The print project method is as follows:

 var vLprint_height;$vLheight;vLprinted_height : Integer
 PAGE SETUP([Film];"Print_List3")
 GET PRINTABLE AREA(vLprint_height)
 vSprint_area:="Header" //Printing of header area
 $vLheight:=Print form([Film];"Print_List3";Form header)
 $vLheight:=21 //Fixed height
 While(Not(End selection([Film])))
    vSprint_area:="Detail" //Printing of detail area
    $vLheight:=Print form([Film];"Print_List3";Form detail)
  //Detail calculation is carried out in the form method
    If(OK=0) //CANCEL has been carried out in the form method
       vSprint_area:="Header" //Reprinting of the header area
       $vLheight:=Print form([Film];"Print_List3";Form header)
       $vLheight:=Print form([Film];"Print_List3";Form detail)
    End if
    NEXT RECORD([Film])
 End while
 PAGE BREAK //Make sure that the last page is printed

The Print_List3 form method is as follows:

 var $l;$t;$r;$b;$fixed_wdth;$exact_hght;$l1;$t1;$r1;$b1 : Integer
 var $final_pos;$i : Integer
 var $detail_pos;$header_pos;$hght_to_print;$hght_remaining : Integer
 Case of
    :(vSprint_area="Detail") //Printing of detail underway
       OBJECT GET COORDINATES([Film]Actors;$l;$t;$r;$b)
       $fixed_wdth:=$r-$l  //Calculation of the Actors text field size
       OBJECT GET BEST SIZE([Film]Actors;$wdth;$hght;$fixed_wdth)
  //Optimal size of the field according to its contents
       OBJECT GET COORDINATES([Film]Summary;$l1;$t1;$r1;$b1)
       $fixed_wdth1:=$r1-$l1  //Calculation of the Summary text field size
       OBJECT GET BEST SIZE([Film]Summary;$wdth1;$hght1;$fixed_wdth1)
  //Optimal size of the field according to its contents
  //We determine the highest field
       End if
          $position:=Get print marker(Form detail)
  //We move the Detail marker and those that follow it
          SET PRINT MARKER(Form detail;$final_pos;*)
  //Resizing of text areas
          OBJECT MOVE([Film]Actors;$l;$t;$r;$hght+$t;*)
          OBJECT MOVE([Film]Summary;$l1;$t1;$r1;$hght1+$t1;*)
  //Resizing of dividing lines
          OBJECT GET COORDINATES(*;"H1Line";$l;$t;$r;$b)
          OBJECT MOVE(*;"H1Line";$l;$final_pos-1;$r;$final_pos;*)
             OBJECT GET COORDINATES(*;"VLine"+String($i);$l;$t;$r;$b)
             OBJECT MOVE(*;"VLine"+String($i);$l;$t;$r;$final_pos;*)
          End for
       End if
  //Calculation of available space
       $detail_pos:=Get print marker(Form detail)
       $header_pos:=Get print marker(Form header)
       If($hght_remaining<$hght_to_print) //Insufficient height
          CANCEL //Move form to the next page
       End if
 End case

See also

Get print marker
Print form


Command number709
Thread safe