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Version: 20 R8 BETA


Table ( tableNum ) : Pointer
Table ( tablePtr ) : Integer
Table ( fieldPtr ) : Integer

tableNumIntegerTable number
tablePtrPointerTable pointer
fieldPtrPointerField pointer
Function resultanyTable pointer, if a Table number is passed
Table number if a Table pointer or a Field pointer is passed


The Table command has three forms:

  • If you pass a table number in tableNum, Table returns a pointer to the table.
  • If you pass a table pointer in aPtr, Table returns the table number of the table.
  • If you pass a field pointer in aPtr, Table returns the table number of the field.

Example 1

This example sets the tablePtr variable to a pointer to the third table of the database:


Example 2

Passing tablePtr (a pointer to the third table) to Table returns the number 3. The following line sets TableNum to 3:


Example 3

This example sets the tableNum variable to the table number of [Table3]:


Example 4

This example sets the tableNum variable to the table number of the table to which the [Table3]Field1 field belongs:


See also

Last table number
Table name


Command number252
Thread safe