WP DELETE SUBSECTION ( wpSection ; subSectionType )
Parámetros | Tipo | Descripción | |
wpSection | Object | → | 4D Write Pro section |
subSectionType | Integer | → | Subsection type (wk first page, wk left page, or wk right page) |
subSection | Object | → | 4D Write Pro subsection |
El comando WP DELETE SUBSECTION elimina los elementos subSectionType de la sección wpSection 4D Write Pro, o directamente elimina la subSection. Subsection elements include headers, footers, columns, anchored pictures, etc. Note that the body of the document is left untouched.
In wpSection, pass the section from which you want to remove the subsection elements. The section can be obtained using the WP Get sections or WP Get section commands.
The subSectionType parameter specifes the subsection to delete. You can pass one of the following constants:
Constante | Tipo | Valor |
wk first page | Integer | 1 |
wk left page | Integer | 2 |
wk right page | Integer | 3 |
Deleting a left page or right page subsection will automatically delete the opposite subsection. For example, if you delete a right page subsection, the left page subsection is automatically deleted.
If the subSectionType does not exist, the command does nothing (no error is generated).
When a subsection is deleted, the header and footer are removed, as well as anchored pictures and textboxes but the body remains untouched.
Ejemplo 1
You want to delete the first page subsection of the first section:
var $section;$subsection : Object
// obtener la primera sección
$section:=WP Get section(wpDoc;1)
// Eliminar la subsección
WP DELETE SUBSECTION($section;wk first page)
Ejemplo 2
You want to delete the right page subsection of section 3:
$subSection:=WP Get subsection(WP Get section($document;3);wk right page)