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Versión: 20 R8 BETA

WP Insert break

WP Insert break ( targetObj ; breakType ; mode {; rangeUpdate} ) : Object

targetObjObjectRange or element or 4D Write Pro document
breakTypeIntegerType of break to insert
modeIntegerInsertion mode
rangeUpdateIntegerRange update mode
ResultadoObjectText range of the break character


El comando WP Insert break inserta una nueva ruptura de tipo breakType en el targetObj de acuerdo con los parámetros de inserción mode y rangeUpdate especificados, y devuelve el rango de texto del caracter de ruptura

En targetObj, pase:

  • un rango, o
  • an element (table / row / paragraph / body / header / footer / inline picture / section / subsection), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document

In breakType, pass one of the following constants from the 4D Write Pro Constants theme to define the type of break to insert:

wk column breakInteger3Column break: inserts a column break
wk continuous section breakInteger5Defines a continuous section break (often used to change the number of columns without starting a new page).
wk line breakInteger0Line break (in the same paragraph)
wk page breakInteger2Page break: defines a new page
wk paragraph breakInteger4Paragraph break: defines a new paragraph
wk section breakInteger1Section break: defines a new section

In the mode parameter, pass a constant to indicate the insertion mode to be used for the break in the destination targetObj:

wk appendInteger2Insert contents at end of target
wk prependInteger1Insert contents at beginning of target
wk replaceInteger0Replace target contents
  • If targetObj is a range, you can use the optional rangeUpdate parameter to pass one of the following constants to specify whether or not the inserted contents are included in the resulting range:
wk exclude from rangeInteger1Inserted contents not included in updated range
wk include in rangeInteger0Inserted contents included in updated range (default)

If you do not pass a rangeUpdate parameter, by default the inserted contents are included in the resulting range.

  • If targetObj is not a range, rangeUpdate is ignored.

Ejemplo 1

While building invoices, you want to insert page breaks except on the last page:

 $nbInvoices:=Records in selection([INVOICE])
... //procesando facturas
If($j#$nbInvoices) //insertar ruptura de página excepto para la última página
WP Insert break($buildRange;wk page break;wk append;wk exclude from range)
End if
End for

Ejemplo 2

You want to insert a continuous section break to have a single column section and a two-column section on the same page.

  1. Insert a continuous section break at the selection to create a new section:
 $range:=WP Selection range(*;"WParea")  
WP Insert break($range;wk continuous section break;wk append)

2. Set the column count to 2 for the first section:

 $section:=WP Get section(WParea;1)  
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($section;wk column count;2)

Ver también

WP Get breaks
WP Insert document body