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Versión: 20 R8 BETA

WP Insert formula

WP Insert formula ( targetObj ; formula ; mode {; rangeUpdate} ) : Object

targetObjObjectRange or element or 4D Write Pro document
formulaObjectFormula object OR Object with formula and name properties
modeNumberInsertion mode
rangeUpdateNumberIncludes or excludes the inserted content within the range
ResultadoObjectText range object reprsenting the result of the formula


The WP Insert formula command inserts a formula in targetObj according to the specified insertion mode and returns the resulting text range.

In the targetObj parameter, you can pass:

  • un rango, o
  • an element (table / row / cell(s) / paragraph / body / header / footer / section / subsection / inline picture), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document.

In the formula parameter, pass the 4D formula to evaluate. Puede pasar:

nameTextName to display for the formula in the document
formulaObjectThe formula object created by the Formula or Formula from string command

When you use an object with a formula name, this name is displayed in the document instead of the formula reference when formulas are displayed as reference, and in the formula tip when displayed as value or symbols. If the name property contains an empty string or is omitted, it is removed from the object and the formula is displayed by default. For more information, see the Managing formulas page.

In the mode parameter, pass one of the following constants to indicate the insertion mode to be used:

wk appendInteger2Insert contents at end of target
wk prependInteger1Insert contents at beginning of target
wk replaceInteger0Replace target contents
  • If targetObj is a range, you can use the optional rangeUpdate parameter to pass one of the following constants to specify whether or not the inserted formula is included in the resulting range:
wk exclude from rangeInteger1Inserted contents not included in updated range
wk include in rangeInteger0Inserted contents included in updated range (default)

If you do not pass a rangeUpdate parameter, by default the inserted formula is included in the resulting range.

  • If targetObj is not a range, rangeUpdate is ignored.

Keep in mind that, when called, the formula object is evaluated within the context of the database or component that created it.

Ejemplo 1

To replace all current date formulas with formatted strings:

 var $_formulas : Collection
var $find;$newFormula : Object

// define the formula to find
$find:=Formula(Current date)

// define the replacement formula
$newFormula:=Formula(String(Current date;System date long))

// find all formulas in the document
$_formulas:=WP Get formulas(WriteProArea)

// query the collection from WP Get formulas
$_formulas:=$_formulas.query("formula.source =:1";$find.source)

// then replace each formula
For each($formula;$_formulas)
WP Insert formula($formula.range;$newFormula;wk replace)
End for each

Ejemplo 2

You want to use a formula name for the customer name:

  //add some data
$data:=New object("customer";New object("lastname";"Smith";"firstname";"John"))

//create a formula object with a name
$o:=New object
$o.formula:=Formula(" "
$"Customer name"

//inserts as text
$range:=WP Text range(WPArea;wk start text;wk end text)
WP SET TEXT($range;"Dear ";wk append)
WP Insert formula($range;$o;wk append)


Ejemplo 3

You want to highlight a formula in yellow:

WParea:=WP New
WP SET TEXT(WParea; "The project was completed on: "; wk append)
$range1:=WP Insert formula(WParea; Formula(Current date); wk append)

WP SET ATTRIBUTES($range1; wk background color; "yellow")


Ver también

Managing formulas
WP Get formulas