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WP SET ATTRIBUTES ( targetObj ; attribName ; attribValue {; attribName2 ; attribValue2 ; ... ; attribNameN ; attribValueN} )
WP SET ATTRIBUTES ( targetObj ; attribObj )

targetObjObjectRange or element or 4D Write Pro document
attribNameTextName of attribute to set
attribValueText, Number, Object, Collection, Picture, DateNuevo valor de atributo
attribObjObjectObject containing attribute names and their corresponding values to set


El comando WP SET ATTRIBUTES le permite definir el valor de todo atributo en un rango, elemento, documento. Este comando le da acceso a todo de atributo interno 4D Write Pro: carácter, párrafo, documento, tabla o imagen.

In targetObj, you can pass :

  • un rango, o
  • an element (header / footer / body / table / row / paragraph / anchored or inline picture / section / subsection / style sheet), or
  • a 4D Write Pro document

You can specify attributes to set for targetObj in one of two ways:

  • Use the attribName and attribValue parameters. In attribName, pass the name of the attribute to set for the target and in attribValue, pass the new value to set. You can pass as many attribName/attribValue pairs as you want in a single call.

  • Use the attribObj parameter to pass a single object containing attribute names and their corresponding values as object properties.

For a comprehensive list of attributes to pass, as well as their scope and respective values, please refer to the 4D Write Pro Attributes section.

Ejemplo 1

In this 4D Write Pro area, you selected a word:

Si ejecuta el siguiente código:

 $range:=WP Get selection(*;"WParea") //obtener el rango seleccionado

// definir el shadow offset en pt para el texto seleccionado
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($range;wk text shadow offset;1)
//establecer el relleno del párrafo
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($range;wk padding;1)
//define un borde de 10 pt
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($range;wk border style;wk solid;wk border width;10)
//define los colores del borde
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($range;wk border color;"blue";wk border color bottom;"#00FA9A";wk border color right;"#00FA9A")

You get the following result:

Ejemplo 2

This example illustrates the use of wk inside and wk outside constants:

 $wpRange:=WP Get selection(writeProdoc)
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($wpRange;wk border style+wk inside;wk dotted)
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($wpRange;wk border style+wk outside;wk solid)
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($wpRange;wk border color+wk outside;"#00FA9A")

Assuming all of the contents were selected, the result is:

Ejemplo 3

You want to set a background image for the document:

 var WParea : Object
WParea:=WP New

READ PICTURE FILE("C:\\Pictures\\boats.jpg";$picture)

WP SET ATTRIBUTES(WParea;wk background image;$picture)

The result is:

You want to set a background image that covers the whole printable area. All attributes are passed using a single object:

 var WParea : Object
WParea:=WP New

READ PICTURE FILE("C:\\Pictures\\boats.jpg";$picture)

$myAttributes:=New object()
$myAttributes[wk background image]:=$picture
$myAttributes[wk background clip]:=wk paper box
$myAttributes[wk background origin]:=wk paper box

WP SET ATTRIBUTES(WParea;$myAttributes)

The result is:


The paper box value is only applicable to documents and sections.

Ejemplo 4

You want to set tabs at varying intervals and designate a character as the leading character for the last tab:

 $tab1:=New object()
$tab1[wk type]:=wk left
$tab1[wk offset]:="3cm"
$tab1[wk leading]:=""

$tab2:=New object()
$tab2[wk type]:=wk center
$tab2[wk offset]:="8cm"
$tab2[wk leading]:=""

$tab3:=New object()
$tab3[wk type]:=wk right
$tab3[wk offset]:="12cm"
$tab3[wk leading]:="."

$_tabs:=New collection($tab1;$tab2;$tab3)
WP SET ATTRIBUTES(wpArea;wk tabs;$_tabs)

The result is:

Ver también

4D Write Pro Attributes