WP Table append row
WP Table append row ( tableRef ; value {; value2 ; ... ; valueN} ) : Object
WP Table append row ( tableRef ; valueColl ) : Object
Parámetros | Tipo | Descripción | |
tableRef | Object | → | Referencia de tabla |
value | Text, Number, Time, Date, Picture, Object | → | Value(s) to set in the row |
valueColl | Collection | → | Collection of values to set in the row |
Resultado | Object | ← | Row range object |
el comando WP Table append row añade una fila a la tabla tableRef, la llena con value(s) o una colección valueColl, y devuelve el objeto de rango de filas correspondiente.
The command supports two syntaxes:
Using values as parameters: Adds as many cells in the row as there are values provided in the value parameter(s). You can pass any number of values of different types.
Using a collection of values (valueColl): Fills the row with values from the valueColl collection. Each element of the collection corresponds to a cell in the row.
The following value types are supported in both syntaxes: Text, Number, Time, Date, Picture and Object (formulas or named formulas returning a row element).
The default cell alignment will depend on the value type:
- text: left aligned
- pictures: centered
- other types (numbers, date, and time): right aligned
- Array type values are not supported.
- Ensure the number of values or the size of the collection matches the number of cells in the table to avoid unexpected results.
The command returns the new row as a row range object.
Ejemplo 1
You want to create an empty table and append several rows of different sizes. Puede escribir:
var $wpTable;$wpRange;$wpRow1;$wpRow2;$wpRow3 : Object
$wpRange:=WP Text range(WParea;wk start text;wk end text)
$wpTable:=WP Insert table($wpRange;wk append)
$wpRow1:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Paul";"Smith";25)
$wpRow2:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"John";"Richmond";40)
$wpRow3:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Mary";"Trenton";18;"New!")
Ejemplo 2
You want to create an empty table and append a row using a collection :
$table:=WP Insert table(WParea; wk replace; wk include in range)
$row:=WP Table append row($table; "Reference"; "Date"; "Time"; "rnd 1"; "rdn 2")
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($row; wk background color; "lightgrey")
$colItems.push(Formula(Current date))
$colItems.push(Formula(String(Current time; HH MM SS)))
$colItems.push({name: "RND NUMBER"; formula: Formula(Random)})
$row:=WP Table append row($table; $colItems)
Ejemplo 3
In a billing application, you want to create a table automatically filled with related invoice lines:
var $wpTable;$wpRange : Object
$wpRange:=WP Text range(4DWPArea;wk start text;wk end text)
$wpTable:=WP Insert table($wpRange;wk append) //create the table
// add the header row
$row:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Name";"Quantity";"Unit Price";"Discount Rate";"Total")
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($row;wk font bold;wk true;wk text align;wk center)
//simply apply to selection
//add a footer row
$row:=WP Table append row($wpTable;"Total:";Sum([INVOICE_LINES]Quantity);"";"";Sum([INVOICE_LINES]Total))
//format the table
$range:=WP Table get columns($wpTable;1;5)
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($range;wk width;"80pt")
WP SET ATTRIBUTES($wpTable;wk font size;10)