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Versión: 20 R8 BETA

Session storage

Session storage ( id ) : Object

idTextUnique identifier (UUID) of the session
ResultadoObjectStorage object of the session
20 R8Support of standalone sessions
20 R6Añadidos


The Session storage command returns the storage object of the session whose unique identifier you passed in the id parameter.

In id, pass the UUID of the session for which you want to get the storage. Se asigna automáticamente por 4D (4D Server o, para sesiones independientes, 4D mono-usuario) y se almacena en .id propiedad del objeto de sesión. If the session does not exist, the command returns Null.

Note: You can get the session identifiers using the Process activity command.

El objeto devuelto es la propiedad .storage de la sesión. It is a shared object used to store information available to all processes of the session.


This method modifies the value of a "settings" property stored in the storage object of a specific session:

  //Set storage for a session
  //The "Execute On Server" method property is set
 #DECLARE($id : Text; $text : Text)
 var $obj : Object
 $obj:=Session storage($id)
       $obj.settings:=New shared object("text";$text)
    End use
    End use
 End if

Ver también

Process activity


Número de comando1839
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