BLOB PROPERTIES ( BLOB ; comprimido {; descompTam {; tamañoActual}} )
BLOB size ( BLOB ) : Integer
BLOB TO DOCUMENT ( documento ; BLOB )
BLOB to integer ( BLOB ; byteOrden {; offset} ) : Integer
BLOB to list ( BLOB {; offset} ) : Integer
BLOB to longint ( BLOB ; byteOrden {; offset} ) : Integer
BLOB to real ( BLOB ; formatoReal {; offset} ) : Real
BLOB to text ( BLOB ; formatoTexto {; offset {; longitudTexto}} ) : Text
BLOB TO VARIABLE ( BLOB ; variable {; offset} )
COMPRESS BLOB ( BLOB {; compresion} )
COPY BLOB ( srcBLOB ; dstBLOB ; srcOffset ; dstOffset ; numero )
DECRYPT BLOB ( aDescifrar ; enviarLlavePub {; recepLlavePriv} )
DELETE FROM BLOB ( BLOB ; offset ; numero )
DOCUMENT TO BLOB ( documento ; BLOB )
ENCRYPT BLOB ( aCifrar ; enviarLlavePriv {; recepLlavePub} )
INSERT IN BLOB ( BLOB ; offset ; numero {; relleno} )
[INTEGER TO BLOB ( entero ; BLOB ; byteOrden {; offset |
LIST TO BLOB ( lista ; BLOB {; *} )
[LONGINT TO BLOB ( enteroLargo ; BLOB ; byteOrden {; offset |
[REAL TO BLOB ( real ; BLOB ; formatoReal {; offset |
SET BLOB SIZE ( BLOB ; tamaño {; relleno} )
[TEXT TO BLOB ( texto ; BLOB {; formatoTexto {; offset |
VARIABLE TO BLOB ( variable ; blob {; offset } ) VARIABLE TO BLOB ( variable ; blob {; *} )