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Version: 20 R6 BETA


VP SET BORDER ( rangeObj : Object ; borderStyleObj : Object ; borderPosObj : Object )

rangeObjObject->Objet plage
borderStyleObjObject->Objet contenant le style de bordure
borderPosObjObject->Objet contenant la position de la bordure


The VP SET BORDER command applies the border style(s) defined in borderStyleObj and borderPosObj to the range defined in the rangeObj.

In rangeObj, pass a range of cells where the border style will be applied. If the rangeObj contains multiple cells, borders applied with VP SET BORDER will be applied to the rangeObj as a whole (as opposed to the VP SET CELL STYLE command which applies borders to each cell of the rangeObj). If a style sheet has already been applied, VP SET BORDER will override the previously applied border settings for the rangeObj.

The borderStyleObj parameter allows you to define the style for the lines of the border. The borderStyleObj supports the following properties:

PropriétéTypeDescriptionValeurs possibles
colortextDefines the color of the border. Default = black.CSS color "#rrggbb" syntax (preferred syntax), CSS color "rgb(r,g,b)" syntax (alternate syntax), CSS color name (alternate syntax)
styleIntegerDefines the style of the border. Default = empty.
  • vk line style dash dot
  • vk line style dash dot dot
  • vk line style dashed
  • vk line style dotted
  • vk line style double
  • vk line style empty
  • vk line style hair
  • vk line style medium
  • vk line style medium dash dot
  • vk line style medium dash dot dot
  • vk line style medium dashed
  • vk line style slanted dash dot
  • vk line style thick
  • vk line style thin
  • You can define the position of the borderStyleObj (i.e., where the line is applied) with the borderPosObj:

    allbooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué à toutes les bordures.
    leftbooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué à la bordure de gauche.
    topbooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué à la bordure supérieure.
    rightbooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué à la bordure de droite.
    bottombooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué à la bordure inférieure.
    outlinebooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué uniquemet aux bordures extérieures.
    insidebooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué uniquemet aux bordures intérieures.
    innerHorizontalbooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué uniquemet aux bordures horizontales intérieures.
    innerVerticalbooleanStyle de la ligne de bordure appliqué uniquemet aux bordures verticales intérieures.

    Exemple 1

    Ce code applique la bordure suivante autour de la plage :

    $border:=New object("color";"red";"style";vk line style thick)
    $option:=New object("outline";True)
    VP SET BORDER(VP Cells("ViewProArea";1;1;3;3);$border;$option)

    Exemple 2

    This code demonstrates the difference between VP SET BORDER and setting borders with the VP SET CELL STYLE command:

    // Set borders using VP SET BORDER
    $border:=New object("color";"red";"style";vk line style thick)
    $option:=New object("outline";True)
    VP SET BORDER(VP Cells("ViewProArea";1;1;3;3);$border;$option)

    // // Set borders using VP SET CELL STYLE
    $cellStyle:=New object
    $cellStyle.borderBottom:=New object("color";"blue";"style";vk line style thick)
    $cellStyle.borderRight:=New object("color";"blue";"style";vk line style thick)
    VP SET CELL STYLE(VP Cells("ViewProArea";4;4;3;3);$cellStyle)

    Voir également