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Version: 20 R8 BETA

Process number

Process number ( name {; *} ) : Integer
Process number ( id {; *} ) : Integer

nameTextName of process for which to retrieve the process number
idTextID of process for which to retrieve the process number
*OpérateurReturn the process number from the server
RésultatIntegerProcess number
20 R7Support of id parameter


Process number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameterProcess number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameterProcess number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameterProcess number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameterProcess number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameterProcess number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameterProcess number returns the number of the process whose name or id you pass in the first parameter. If no process is found, Process number returns 0.

The optional parameter * allows you to retrieve, from a remote 4D, the number of a process that is executed on the server. In this case, the returned value is negative. This option is especially useful when using the GET PROCESS VARIABLE, SET PROCESS VARIABLE and VARIABLE TO VARIABLE commands.

If the command is executed with the * parameter from a process on the server machine, the returned value is positive.

Voir également

Process state


Numéro de commande372
Thread safe