4DランゲージコマンドBLOBバージョン: 20 R7BLOBBLOB PROPERTIES ( BLOB ; compressed {; expandedSize {; currentSize}} )BLOB size ( BLOB ) : IntegerBLOB TO DOCUMENT ( document ; BLOB )BLOB to integer ( BLOB ; byteOrder {; offset} ) : IntegerBLOB to list ( BLOB {; offset} ) : IntegerBLOB to longint ( BLOB ; byteOrder {; offset} ) : IntegerBLOB to real ( BLOB ; realFormat {; offset} ) : RealBLOB to text ( BLOB ; textFormat {; offset {; textLength}} ) : TextBLOB TO VARIABLE ( BLOB ; variable {; offset} )COMPRESS BLOB ( BLOB {; compression} )COPY BLOB ( srcBLOB ; dstBLOB ; srcOffset ; dstOffset ; len )DECRYPT BLOB ( toDecrypt ; sendPubKey {; recipPrivKey} )DELETE FROM BLOB ( BLOB ; offset ; len )DOCUMENT TO BLOB ( document ; BLOB )ENCRYPT BLOB ( toEncrypt ; sendPrivKey {; recipPubKey} )EXPAND BLOB ( BLOB )INSERT IN BLOB ( BLOB ; offset ; len {; filler} )INTEGER TO BLOB ( integer ; blob ; byteOrder {; offset} )INTEGER TO BLOB ( integer ; blob ; byteOrder {; *} )LIST TO BLOB ( list ; BLOB {; *} )LONGINT TO BLOB ( longint ; blob ; byteOrder {; offset } )LONGINT TO BLOB ( longint ; blob ; byteOrder {; *} )REAL TO BLOB ( real ; blob ; realFormat {; offset } )REAL TO BLOB ( real ; blob ; realFormat {; *} )SET BLOB SIZE ( BLOB ; size {; filler} )TEXT TO BLOB ( text ; blob {; textFormat {; offset}} )TEXT TO BLOB ( text ; blob {; textFormat {; *}} )VARIABLE TO BLOB ( variable ; blob {; offset } )VARIABLE TO BLOB ( variable ; blob {; *} )