4Dランゲージコマンドクエリバージョン: 20 R7クエリDESCRIBE QUERY EXECUTION ( status )Find in field ( targetField ; value ) : IntegerGET QUERY DESTINATION ( destinationType ; destinationObject ; destinationPtr )Get query limit : IntegerLast query path ( descFormat ) : TextLast query plan ( descFormat ) : TextORDER BY ( {aTable ;}{ aField }{; > または < }{; aField2 ; > または <2 ; ... ; aFieldN ; > または <N}{; *} )ORDER BY ATTRIBUTE ( {aTable ;} objectField ; attributePath ; > or < {; objectField2 ; attributePath2 ; > or <2 ; ... ; objectFieldN ; attributePathN ; > or <N} {; *} )ORDER BY FORMULA ( aTable ; expression {; > or <}{; expression2 ; > or <2 ; ... ; expressionN ; > or <N} )QUERY ( {aTable }{;}{ queryArgument {; *}} )QUERY BY ATTRIBUTE ( {aTable}{;}{conjOp ;} objectField ; attributePath ; queryOp ; value {; *} )QUERY BY EXAMPLE ( {aTable}{;}{*} )QUERY BY FORMULA ( aTable {; queryFormula} )QUERY SELECTION ( {aTable }{;}{ queryArgument {; *}} )QUERY SELECTION BY ATTRIBUTE ( {aTable}{;}{conjOp ;} objectField ; attributePath ; queryOp ; value {; *} )QUERY SELECTION BY FORMULA ( aTable {; queryFormula} )QUERY SELECTION WITH ARRAY ( targetField ; array )QUERY WITH ARRAY ( targetField ; array )SET QUERY AND LOCK ( lock )SET QUERY DESTINATION ( destinationType {; destinationObject {; destinationPtr}} )SET QUERY LIMIT ( limit )