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Versão: 20 R7

Session info

20 R7Adicionado

Session info ( sessionId : Integer ) : Object

sessionIDIntegerID da sessão
ResultadosObjectInformation about the session


The Session info command returns an object describing the session whose ID you pass in the sessionID parameter.. If you pass an invalid sessionID, the command returns a null object.

O objeto retornado contém as propriedades abaixo:

Nome da propriedadeTipoDescrição
typeText (enum)Session type. Possible values: "remote", "storedProcedure", "rest"
userNameTextNome de usuario
machineNameTextName of the remote machine
systemUserNameTextName of the system session opened on the remote machine
IPAddressTextEndereço IP da máquina remota
hostTypeText (enum)Host type. Possible values: "windows", "mac", "browser"
creationDateTimeText (Date ISO 8601)Date and time of connection of the remote machine
stateText (enum)Session state. Possible values: "active", "postponed", "sleeping"
IDTextSession UUID
persistentIDTextID persistente da sessão

Este comando retorna a propriedade .info da sessão sessionID. To get information about the current session, you can directly call

Here is an example of output object:

"ID": "3C81A8D7AFE64C2E9CCFFCDC35DC52F5",
"userName": "Designer",
"machineName": "My Computer",
"systemUserName": "John Doe",
"IPAddress": "localhost",
"hostType": "mac",
"type": "remote",
"state": "active",
"creationDateTime: "2024-09-10T09:55:54.787Z",


var $session : Object
var $id : Integer
$session:=Session info($id)

Veja também

Session Process info