Managing formulas
Visão Geral
4D Write Pro documents can contain references to 4D formulas such as variables, fields, expressions, project methods, or 4D commands. Specific information such as the page number can also be referenced through formulas (see Inserting document and page expressions below).
Inserting formulas in 4D Write Pro areas is done with the WP INSERT FORMULA command and can be read using the WP Get formulas command. They are also returned by the WP Get text command.
As fórmulas são avaliadas:
- when they are inserted in a form object which displays computed values
- when the 4D Write Pro object is loaded in a form object which displays computed values
- when the WP COMPUTE FORMULAS command is called
- when they are "frozen" using the WP FREEZE FORMULAS command (if not already computed)
- before printing (if not already computed)
- before exporting to .docx (if the formula can't be mapped with MS Word formulas)
- when the standard actions to freeze, print, export, or compute formulas are called. See Standard actions
Formulas are not evaluated when a document is loaded (using WP New, WP Insert document body, or wpArea:=[table]field
- if the document is only offscreen,
- if the document is displayed onscreen but the form object only shows references.
Formulas become static values if you call the WP FREEZE FORMULAS command (except for page number and page count, see below).
Compatibility Note: Handling expressions using the ST INSERT EXPRESSION, ST Get expression, ST COMPUTE EXPRESSIONS, and ST FREEZE EXPRESSIONS commands is deprecated, however, it is still supported in 4D Write Pro for compatibility.
You want to replace the selection in a 4D Write Pro area with the contents of a variable:
var fullName: Text
var $sel: Object
fullName:="John Smith"
$sel:=WP Selection range(4DWPArea)
Case of
:(Form event code=On Clicked)
WP INSERT FORMULA($sel;Formula(fullName);wk replace)
End case
Formula context object
You can insert special expressions related to document attributes in any document area (body, header, footer) using the WP Insert formula command. Within a formula, a formula context object is automatically exposed. You can use the properties of this object through This:
Propriedades | Tipo | Descrição |
This.title | Text | Title defined in wk title attribute | | Text | Author defined in wk author attribute |
This.subject | Text | Subject defined in wk subject attribute | | Text | Company defined in wk company attribute |
This.notes | Text | Notes defined in wk notes attribute |
This.dateCreation | Date | Date creation defined in wk date creation attribute |
This.dateModified | Date | Date modified defined in wk date modified attribute |
This.pageNumber (*) | Number | Page number as it is defined: |
This.pageCount (*) | Number | Page count: total count of pages. This formula is always dynamic; it is not affected by the WP FREEZE FORMULAS command. |
This.document | Object | Documento 4D Write Pro | | Object | Data context of the 4D Write Pro document set by WP SET DATA CONTEXT |
This.sectionIndex | Number | The Index of the section in the 4D Write Pro document starting from 1 |
This.pageIndex | Number | The actual page number in the 4D Write Pro document starting from 1 (regardless of the section page numbers) |
This.sectionName | String | The name that the user gives to the section |
Additional context properties are available when you work with tables. See Handling tables for more information.
(*) Important: This.pageNumber, This.pageIndex and This.pageCount must be used only directly in a 4D Write Pro formula (they must be present in the formula.source string). They will return incorrect values if they are used by the 4D language within a method called by the formula. However, they can be passed as parameters to a method called directly by the formula:
- This will work: « formatNumber(This.pageNumber) »
- This will NOT work: « formatNumber » with formatNumber method processing This.pageNumber.
For example, to insert the page number in the footer area:
$footer:=WP Get footer(4DWP;1)
WP INSERT FORMULA($footer;Formula(This.pageNumber);wk append)
//Using Formula(myMethod) with myMethod processing This.pageNumber
//would not work correctly
Inserting date and time formulas
When the Current date command, a date variable, or a method returning a date is inserted in a formula, it will automatically be transformed into text using the system date short format.
When the Current time command, a time variable, or a method returning a time is inserted in a formula, it must be enclosed within a String command because time type is not supported in JSON. Consider the following examples of formulas:
// This code is the best practice
$formula1:=Formula(String(Current time)) //OK
// This code will work but is usually not recommended, except after "Edit formula"
$formula2:=Formula from string("String(Current time)") //OK
// Wrong code because time values would be displayed as a longint for seconds (or milliseconds), not as a time
$formula3:=Formula from string("Current time") //NOT valid
$formula4:=Formula(Current time) //NOT valid
Support of virtual structure
Table and field expressions inserted in 4D Write Pro documents support the virtual structure definition of the database. The virtual structure exposed to formulas is defined through SET FIELD TITLES(...;*) and SET TABLE TITLES(...;*) commands.
When a virtual structure is defined:
- references to expressions containing fields display virtual names when the 4D Write Pro document shows references and not values.
- WP Get text returns virtual structure names if
wk expressions as source
option is set in expressions parameter. - WP Insert formula ignores the virtual structure and always expects real table/field names
When a document is displayed in "display expressions" mode, references to tables or fields that do not belong to the virtual structure are displayed with "?
" characters, for example [VirtualTableName]?
when the field is not defined in the virtual structure.
Displaying formulas
You can control how formulas are displayed in your documents:
- as values or as references
- when shown as references, display source text, symbol, or name.
References or Values
By default, 4D formulas are displayed as values. When you insert a 4D formula, 4D Write Pro computes and displays its current value. If you wish to know which formula is used or what is its name, you need to display it as a reference.
To display formulas as references, you can:
- check the Show references option in the Property list (see Configuring View properties), or
- use the visibleReferences standard action (see Dynamic expressions), or
- use the WP SET VIEW PROPERTIES command with the
wk visible references
selector to True.
Formula references can be displayed as:
- source texts (default)
- symbols
- names
References as source texts (default)
When formulas are displayed as references, by default the source text of the formula appear in your document, with a default gray background (can be customized using the wk formula highlight
Por exemplo, se você tiver inserido a data atual junto com um formato, a data será exibida:
When you display formulas as references, the source of the formula is displayed:
References as symbols
When formula source texts are displayed in a document, the design could be confusing if you work on sophisticated templates using tables for example, and when formulas are complex:
In this case, you can display formula references as symbols, so that the document is more compact:
To display formula references as symbols, you can:
- check the Display formula source as symbol option in the Property list (see Configuring View properties), or
- use the displayFormulaAsSymbol standard action (see Using 4D Write Pro standard actions), or
- use the WP SET VIEW PROPERTIES command with the
wk display formula as symbol
selector to True.
References as names
You can assign names to formulas, making 4D Write Pro template documents easier to read and understand for end-users. When formulas are displayed as references (and not displayed as symbols) and you have defined a name for a formula, the formula name is displayed.
For example, the following formula references are displayed as source text by default:
If you assign formula names, they are displayed instead of texts:
To assign a name to a formula, you need to use the WP Insert formula command with an object parameter. Por exemplo:
//inserts the previous day in the document
$o:=New object("formula";Formula(Current date-1);"name";"Yesterday")
$range:=WP Text range(WPArea;wk start text;wk end text)
WP INSERT FORMULA($range;$o;wk append)
Only inline formulas can have a name (formulas for anchored images, break rows, and table datasource formulas cannot have names).
Formula tips
Whatever the formula display mode, you can get additional information on formulas through tips that are displayed when you hover on formulas.
- When formulas do not have names, tips provide the source text of formulas:
- When formulas have names but are displayed as values or as symbols, the tip provides the name of formulas:
In this context, you can display the source text of the formula by pressing Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (macOS) while hovering on the formula.
- When formulas have names and are displayed as names, no tip is displayed by default.
You can display the source text of the formula by pressing Ctrl (Windows) or Cmd (macOS) while hovering on the formula:
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