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Versão: 20 R5

On VP Range Changed

CodePode ser chamado porDefinição
614D View Pro AreaThe 4D View Pro cell range has changed (e.g., a formula calculation, value removed from a cell, etc.)


This event is generated when a change occurs within a cell range in the 4D View Pro document.

O objeto devolvido pelo comando FORM Event contém:

objectNametextNome da área 4D View Pro
codeinteiro longoOn VP Range Changed
descriptiontext"On VP Range Changed"
sheetNametextNome da folha do evento
rangeobjectIntervalo de células da alteração
changedCellsobjectIntervalo que contém apenas as células alteradas. Pode ser um intervalo combinado.
actiontextThe type of operation generating the event:
  • "clear" - A clear range value operation
  • "dragDrop" - A drag and drop operation
  • "dragFill" - A drag fill operation
  • "evaluateFormula" - Setting a formula in a specified cell range
  • "paste" - A paste operation
  • "setArrayFormula" - Setting a formula in a specified cell range
  • "sort" - Sorting a range of cells
  • Ver también On After Edit.