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Versão: 20 R5

Usuários e sessões

When scalable sessions are enabled (recommended), REST requests can create and use web user sessions, providing extra features such as multiple requests handling, data sharing between web client processes, and control of user privileges.

Cuando se abre una sesión de usuario web, puede manejarla a través del objeto Session y la Session API. Subsequent REST requests reuse the same session cookie.

  • On 4D Server, opening a REST session might require that a free 4D client license is available, depending on the user login mode.
  • Em 4D single-user, pode abrir até três sessões REST para fins de teste.

User login modes

The user login mode allows you to control how REST requests acquire 4D Client licenses. You can choose between two user login modes: "default", or "force login".

You set the user login mode through the forceLogin property in the roles.json file:

  • the default mode is used if the "forceLogin" property is missing or set to "false",
  • el modo force login se utiliza si la propiedad "forceLogin" es "true".

If you modify this property, the server must be restarted to take the change into account.


In Qodly Studio for 4D, the mode can be set using the Force login option in the Privileges panel.

Modo padrão

In the default mode, any REST request is processed in a web user session that automatically consumes a license (the web user session is created if it does not already exist). You can use this simple mode if you don't need to control how many licenses are retained on the server. When the default mode is enabled, you can authenticate users through the On REST Authentication database method (see below).

Force login mode

In "force login" mode, license usage is disconnected from web user sessions. A license is required only when the Session.setPrivileges() is executed, allowing you to control the number of used licenses.

Descriptive REST requests are always processed by the server, even if no web user session using a license is opened. In this case, they are processed through "guest" sessions.

All other REST requests (handling data or executing a function) will only be processed if they are executed within a web session with appropriate privileges, otherwise they return an error. To assign privileges to a web session, you need to execute the Session.setPrivileges() function for the session. Executing this function triggers the 4D license consumption.

This mode allows you to implement the following login sequence:

  1. At the first REST call (for a webform call for example), a "guest" web user session is created. It has no privileges, no rights to execute requests other than descriptive requests, no license consumption.
  2. You call your exposed datastore class function named authentify() (created beforehand), in which you check the user credentials and call Session.setPrivileges() with appropriate privileges.
  3. La petición /rest/$catalog/authentify se envía al servidor junto con las credenciales del usuario. Este paso sólo requiere un formulario de acceso básico que no acceda a datos; puede ser un formulario Qodly (llamado a través de la petición /rest/$getWebForm).
  4. If the user is successfully authentified, a 4D license is consumed on the server and all REST requests are accepted.


Solicitações REST descritivas

Descriptive REST requests can be processed in web user sessions that do not require licenses ("guest" sessions). Essas solicitações são:

  • /rest/$catalog requests (e.g. /rest/$catalog/$all) - access to available dataclasses
  • /rest/$catalog/authentify - la función del almacén de datos utilizada para iniciar sesión del usuario
  • /rest/$getWebForm - la renderización de un formulario Qodly


Function authentify


exposed Function authentify({params : type}) {-> result : type}
// code

The authentify() function must be implemented in the DataStore class of the project and must be called through a REST request.

This function is the only available entry point from REST guest sessions when the "force login" mode is enabled: any other function call or data access is rejected until the session acquires appropriate privileges.


The authentify() function can always be executed by a REST guest session, whatever the roles.json file configuration.

The function can receive any authentication or contextual information as parameter(s) and can return any value. Since this function can only be called from a REST request, parameters must be passed through the body of the POST request.

Esta função deve conter duas partes:

  • some code to identify and authenticate the REST request sender,
  • if the authentication is successful, a call to Session.setPrivileges() that assigns appropriate privileges to the session.

If the function does not call Session.setPrivileges(), no privileges are assigned, no license is consumed and subsequent non-descriptive REST requests are rejected.


You only want to know users to open a web session on the server. Ha creado la siguiente función authentify() en la clase datastore:

exposed Function authentify($credentials : Object) : Text

var $users : cs.UsersSelection
var $user : cs.UsersEntity

$users:=ds.Users.query("name = :1"; $

If ($user#Null) //the user is known
If (Verify password hash($credentials.password; $user.password))

return "Wrong password"
End if
return "Wrong user"
End if

Para llamar a la función authentify():


Corpo do pedido:


Usando On REST Authentication

In default login mode (i.e. the "force login" mode is disabled), you can log in a user to your application by calling $directory/login in a POST request including the user's name and password in the header. Esta petición llama al método base On REST Authentication (si existe), donde se pueden comprobar las credenciales del usuario (ver ejemplo abajo).

Si no se ha definido el método base On REST Authentication, se abre una sesión guest.


In this example, the user enters their email and password in an html page that requests $directory/login in a POST (it is recommended to use an HTTPS connection to send the html page). Se llama al método base On REST Authentication para validar las credenciales y establecer la sesión.

A página de início de sessão em HTML:


<html><body bgcolor="#ffffff">

<div id="demo">
<FORM name="myForm">
Email: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=userId VALUE=""><br/>
Password: <INPUT TYPE=TEXT NAME=password VALUE=""><br/>
<button type="button" onclick="onClick()">
<div id="authenticationFailed" style="visibility:hidden;">Authentication failed</div>

function sendData(data) {
var XHR = new XMLHttpRequest();

XHR.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (this.status == 200) {
window.location = "authenticationOK.shtml";
else {
document.getElementById("authenticationFailed").style.visibility = "visible";
};'POST', '$directory/login'); //rest server address

XHR.setRequestHeader('username-4D', data.userId);
XHR.setRequestHeader('password-4D', data.password);
XHR.setRequestHeader('session-4D-length', data.timeout);

function onClick()
sendData({userId:document.forms['myForm'].elements['userId'].value , password:document.forms['myForm'].elements['password'].value , timeout:120})

Cuando la página de inicio de sesión se envía al servidor, se llama al método base On REST Authentication:

	//On REST Authentication

#DECLARE($userId : Text; $password : Text) -> $Accepted : Boolean
var $sales : cs.SalesPersonsEntity


//A '/rest' URL has been called with headers username-4D and password-4D
If ($userId#"")
$sales:=ds.SalesPersons.query("email = :1"; $userId).first()
If ($sales#Null)
If (Verify password hash($password; $sales.password))
End if
End if
End if

Tan pronto como se ha llamado y devuelto True, el método base On REST Authentication deja de llamarse en la sesión.

El método proyecto fillSession inicializa la sesión usuario, por ejemplo:

#DECLARE($sales : cs.SalesPersonsEntity)
var $info : Object

$info:=New object()
$info.userName:=$sales.firstname+" "+$sales.lastname


Use (
If ($sales.customers.orderBy("totalPurchase desc").slice(0; 3)
End if
End use