BrowserThe web studio supports the following web browsers:
- Chrome
- Edge
- FireFox
The recommended resolution is 1920x1080.
4D application4D Web Studio only works with 4D projects (binary databases are not supported).
Enabling access to 4D Web Studionote
The options and menu items described on this page won't appear if the 4D Web Studio license is not activated.
By default, access to the studio is not granted.
4D Web Studio is served by the WebAdmin web server and displays data from 4D projects handled by the 4D web server.
To enable access to the studio, you must explicitly allow it at two levels:
- at the 4D application level, for global access
- at every project level
If one of the two levels (or both) are not enabled, access to the studio is denied (a 403 page is returned).
At the application levelAs a first security level, you need to allow access to the studio on the WebAdmin web server.
To do this, go to File > Web Administration > Settings... and check Enable access to the Web studio.
This setting applies to the 4D application (4D or 4D Server) on the host machine. All projects opened with that 4D application take this setting into account.
Keep this option unchecked if you want to make sure no access to the studio is allowed on the application.
Check this option to make it possible to access the studio. However, you still need to enable it at every project level.
Additionally, you can configure the WebAdmin web server's HTTP/HTTPS port used.
After any change to these settings, you must restart the WebAdmin web server for the new configuration to be effective.
At the project levelAfter you have enabled access to the studio at the application level, you need to explicitly designate every project that can be accessed. The Enable access to the Web Studio option must be enabled on the main 4D web server's configuration page.
To do this, in your 4D application, go to Settings > Web > Web Features and check Enable access to the Web studio.
Keep in mind that user settings can be defined at several levels, and that priorities apply.
Activating authenticationAuthentication on the WebAdmin web server is granted using an access key. For more details, see Access key.
Opening 4D Web StudioThe web studio page is available when the WebAdmin web server is running and authentication is activated.
There are two ways to access the studio:
from your 4D single-user application, go to Design > Web Studio....
If the WebAdmin web server is already running, depending on its configuration, your default browser opens at
. Otherwise, you will be prompted if you want to start the WebAdmin web server first.on a browser, with the WebAdmin web server running (launched from 4D or 4D Server), enter the following address:
For example, after launching a local web server on port 7080, type this address in your browser:
You will then be prompted to enter the access key to access the studio.
Enabling renderingTo enable the rendering of webforms that are created in the studio, the following options must be set.
- The 4D project's Settings > Web > Web Features > Expose as REST server option must be activated
- The 4D web server must be running
For more information on REST server configuration, see Server Configuration on
When rendering webforms, the renderer will connect to the 4D web server through HTTP or HTTPS, depending on the settings, following the same HTTP/HTTPS connection pattern as for the WebAdmin web server.
Exposed and non-exposed datasourcesThe renderer engine applies the REST resource restrictions defined in your 4D project's database. This means that only exposed datasources are rendered in the browser.
WebAdmin server and deploymentFor deployment, the 4D WebAdmin server is not necessary. End-user access to your web application made with 4D Web Studio is based on the 4D REST protocol, and as such, it works as through a conventional 4D Client.