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Components are the building blocks of your application. To add a component, drag it from the Components section and drop it on the canvas.


Component list#

The Component library lets you search for a component or choose one from the list. Once a component is on the canvas, you can customize its look and bind a data source to it.


The following components are available:

WebformBase container that holds all the other components
StyleboxContainer used to keep the content centered and legible
GridAllows you to produce complex and responsive layouts faster. Grid areas can be edited directly on the canvas
ColumnsDisplays data inside columns
TabsOrganizes and allows navigation between groups of content that are related and at the same level of hierarchy
Text inputAllows users to enter data in a form
ButtonTriggers actions on a web page
Radio buttonAllows selecting one of a set of options
Range inputAllows selecting a value in a range
Select boxAllows selecting an item in a list
ImageDisplays an image
IconDisplays an icon
CheckboxAllows the user to make a binary choice (boolean value)
TextDisplays text on a web page
DatatableDisplays data in the form of a table. You can select a row to interact with the server
MatrixContainer of repeated Styleboxes. Its Stylebox must have a fixed height set in pixels
Webform loaderDisplays a webform inside the current Webform component

More components will be available in the future, and the existing components will be enhanced.

Setting a Webform loader's initial value#

A Webform loader's initial value determines which webform it displays when it loads. You can set that initial value in one of the following ways:

  • using the Properties panel
  • by binding a local datasource of type Text to it and giving it an initial value.

If you apply both methods to the same Webform loader, the contents of the bound datasource are displayed in priority.

The initial value must match the name of the webform to display.

The difference between these methods is that binding a local datasource allows you to dynamically update the contents of the Webform loader. Every time the value of the datasource changes, the contents of the Webform loader are updated accordingly.

Server-side reference#

The server-side reference of a component is its "address" on the server. To set the behavior of a component, you can give it a server-side reference, and then use that reference in class functions.

To assign a server-side reference to a component, enter a value in the Properties panel > Server Side:


Managing your components#

You can use the following tools to manage your components.


When you select a component, the tooltip displays its type and offers several actions:


MoveMoves the selected component on the canvas
Select Parent ComponentSelects the parent component
Delete ComponentRemoves the selected component from the canvas
Export StylesExports the overridden CSS properties to a new CSS class
Open Events PanelOpens the bottom panel, allowing you to bind events to the component
Save as craftSaves the component, its child components, and their styles as a reusable component
Clear StylesClears the styles of the selected element (resets the overridden CSS properties)
DuplicateDuplicates the component

In addition to these actions, the contextual panel also offers basic actions such as Copy, Cut, and Paste.

The tooltip is contextual. This means that some actions are available to certain elements, and not others. For example, you can duplicate a Text input component, but not its individual parts (Label and Input).


When you select a component, the breadcrumbs display its hierarchy:


To select any parent component displayed in the breadcrumbs trail, click its name.


The outline section displays the hierarchy of your webform:


Click an element in the list to select it, or click and drag it anywhere in the outline to move it somewhere else.

To display or hide an element, click the eye icon.

Crafted components#

You can craft your own components, that is, turn any component and its child components into a reusable component.

Any component can be saved as crafted component, except for the Webform component.

A crafted component includes the initial component's:

  • styles, including CSS classes
  • child components and their properties
  • event configuration
  • datasource references

How to craft a component#

  1. On the canvas, select the element you want to turn into a crafted component.
  2. In the Tooltip, click ... and select Save as craft.
  3. (Optional) Enter a name for the crafted component.
  4. Click Add.

The crafted component is now available in the Components > Crafted section and can be dragged and dropped on the Canvas.

Handling styles, datasources and events#

When you drop a crafted component on the Canvas:

  • its CSS classes are imported into the target Webform, unless that Webform already has CSS classes with the same names.
  • its datasources are not imported into the target webform. That's because crafted components only include references to datasources, not the datasources themselves.
  • its event configuration is preserved, so you'll need to modify that configuration or make sure it matches the webform where you drop the crafted component.


Templates are a great way to jump-start your building process. 4D Web Studio offers templates to help you design things more quickly. These templates come as-is and may require customization.


The current list of available templates is not representative of what will be available in the final product, and it will keep expanding.

To use a template:

  1. Open or create a new webform.
  2. In the Components section, click Templates.
  3. Select a template. A panel opens with several components to choose from.
  4. Choose a component you want to use and drag it from the list.
  5. Drop the component on the Canvas.