One to Many - Actions
We are now going to go a little bit further and create a task for a specific employee.
It is very easy to create an entity using parent Entity !
Let's get started by downloading the Starter project:
Create addProject action
Open the project editor and go to the Action section.
Add a
On Mobile App Action method
The only thing you have to do is defining the addProject action in the On Mobile App Action method as follows :
: ($request.action="addProjects")
$o:=New object(\
$result:=addProject ($o)
addProject Method
Then enter thoses lines in your addProject Method:
$out:=New object("success";False)
If ($in.dataClass#Null)
$entity:=ds[$in.dataClass].new() //Create a reference
For each ($key;$in.parameters)
End for each
$primaryKey:=$in.parent.primaryKey //Get parent primary key
$inverseRelationName:=$in.entity.relationName //Get parent relation name
$status:=$ //save the entity
$out.success:=True // notify App that action success
$out.dataSynchro:=True // notify App to refresh the selection
$out.statusText:="Task added"
$out.errors:=New collection("No Selection")
End if
And that's it you can then add some task to your employees easily using the parent Entity !
Download the completed project: